I don't really know how "wonderful" it is. I mean, this nation elected a president that claims god told him to end the tyranny in Iraq. And this man was elected again.
If this sort of thing doesn't send chills up your spine, I don't know what would. Fables are one thing, but when decisions are made based on superstition, people die. And if you take the entire history of just Christianity into account, the deaths are in the millions, and that's a conservative estimate. Include all other religions and all the violence they instigate, you would be looking at the most potent force of genocide ever conceived.
If this sort of thing doesn't send chills up your spine, I don't know what would. Fables are one thing, but when decisions are made based on superstition, people die. And if you take the entire history of just Christianity into account, the deaths are in the millions, and that's a conservative estimate. Include all other religions and all the violence they instigate, you would be looking at the most potent force of genocide ever conceived.