Yeah he has his moments of walking on the perimeter fer sure lol
but no matter how flakey an authors research is, we can find out easy enough if what he is talking about is a real thing or not.
even the f'ing Last Supper painting by Leonardo is just the Sun and 12 months.
this one is good too:
When evaluating anything it is vital to remove pre judgements that may cloud one's ability to find a meaning completely different than what they expected.
Like watching an episode of Ren and Stimpy would do to a first time viewer.
Check out the Naked Truth one and tell me what you think of it.
The holy grail turning out to be a metaphor for the vagina part is hilarious.
Please people respond after you watch these, they are funny if nothing else.
but no matter how flakey an authors research is, we can find out easy enough if what he is talking about is a real thing or not.
even the f'ing Last Supper painting by Leonardo is just the Sun and 12 months.
this one is good too:
When evaluating anything it is vital to remove pre judgements that may cloud one's ability to find a meaning completely different than what they expected.
Like watching an episode of Ren and Stimpy would do to a first time viewer.
Check out the Naked Truth one and tell me what you think of it.
The holy grail turning out to be a metaphor for the vagina part is hilarious.
Please people respond after you watch these, they are funny if nothing else.