(February 18, 2015 at 2:04 pm)The Reality Salesman Wrote: Let's assume that the God of the bible is a real thing and then let's try to see whether or not it would be reasonable to attribute supreme intelligence to it.
Let's assume that it's really important to this God that we find our way through this material world some day arriLet's assume that the God of the bible is a real thing and then let's try to see whether or not it would be reasonable to attribute supreme intelligence to it.
Let's assume that it's really important to this God that we find our way through this material world some day arrive in heaven. Let's assume that he'll is also a real place and, at minimum, it's not a nice place to end up.
In order to get us to heaven and avoid Hell, God writes us some directions and puts them into a book. If we follow this book correctly, then we will get to where he wants us to go.
Before attributing SUPREME intelligence, let's consider whether or not this God is intelligent by human standards.
If my son were taking a trip cross-country, and I didn't want him to get lost, I'd make him a map. Along with the map, I'd give him instructions. It's important to acknowledge that I could make a perfect map and give very perfect instructions but, if the level of instruction does not match my sons ability to comprehend it, there's still a chance he could get lost. So, to ensure that my son finds his way, I use clear and plain speech. I am very specific and succinct. I don't use any ambiguous terms and make sure he comprehends the instructions.
Example: "continue on HWY 64E for 3 miles and then take EXIT 29A toward Richmond"
If he happens to get lost, he can stop at several places along the way and confirm that the directions I've given him are correct and that he is still on the correct course.
My son will either arrive at the destination, or he'll get lost.
If he gets there it will be due to a combination of two factors.
1) My directions
2) His ability to comprehend and follow them
If my son gets lost, the same is true.
If the bible were instructions on how to get from here to heaven, and they were written by a supreme intelligence. Our ability to make it heaven or not would still depend on the same things. If we get lost, either the directions were poor or they were beyond our ability to comprehend them.
What we have with the bible is quite interesting. Some people believe they are right on track and others think the entire map is bogus. The people who believe they are on the correct course cannot even verify among one another that they've followed the directions correctly and none of them can point to any real substance in the map that would compel anyone else to join their excursion.
Given that education is so widely available and that we all share a comparable capacity for basic instruction comprehension, there isn't any reason to expect that these directions lead anywhere with any degree of certainty when you consider the disparity between the incompatible Christian interpretations alone.
If God is real, he is either:
A) omniscient with a supreme intelligence but doesn't really want everyone to be able to follow his map.
B) Wants us to find our way to heaven but he is an incompetent direction-giver with intelligence that is low even for modern human standards.
The most reasonable conclusion is that none of it is true, and the multitude of different maps with ambiguous instructions all containing innumerable inconsistencies is exactly what you could expect if you convinced a bunch of gullible people to follow a bunch of ridiculous and incompatible maps...
The knowledge of God, and his laws, is put into your heart. Whether you follow them or not is entirely at your discretion. The Bible isnt the map, rather just an explanation of it.