[quote='Insanity x' paid='256911' dateline='1332116763']
[quote]Okay. Noah's arc.. [/quote]
[quote]How anybody can say that a all loving god did this with a straight face is beyond me but hell lets give it a whirl.[/quote]
Who said anything about love being God's leading attribute? This story and others point to Righteousness being the lead attribute of God. Righteousness demanding absolution/punishment for sin and evil.
[quote]So god man shows up and looks at the earth and all the people he made. [/quote]Not just "Men." I suggest that you take the time and read the account. Humans were killed, but others died as well.
[quote]Okay I see whats going on and fair play if I had a room full of Hitlers and a kill button try stop me. But your god is all knowing an created us therefore by proxy he created evil humans. Or the devil in which case he knowingly created the devil who is evil and knew he would corrupt them and didn't bother stopping this.[/quote]
Indeed. (This would make a good thread in of itself)
[quote]Next he see's an several hundred year old man and says "hey this guys okay. Ill keep him." The tells him and his family to build a boat.[/quote]yes a really big one
[quote]Seriously did god only find one good family amongst all these people? [/quote]Not "good." Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. where others did not.
[quote]Next they stick all Noah family on the boat with all the animals that walked their. Leaving all the rest of the world to die.. despite god loving everyone.[/quote]Again no. "Love" is not the single defining attribute of God you believe it to be.
[quote]Also leaving these people with no chance to say sorry and sort things out instead down come the rain and kills every evil little bastard on the planet. Men women children and babies. And the innocent animals that didn't win the celestial lottery that fateful day.[/quote]
Again here God does not worship life like those in this culture.Your understanding of Life and His are not the same. To Kill for God is to change mans state from a finite being to an infinite one.
[quote]Okay so that's pretty fucked up. Mass murder because god screwed up. I mean one of the angels must have been like "god are you sure you cant just ask them to say sorry and sort it out?"[/quote]Murder is the unsanctioned taking of Life. God sanctioned those deaths, or "changes of state." Also remember Humans were not the only sentient beings on the chopping block.
[quote]Okay this is where the shit really hits the fan. The whole planet just got flooded and yep we have all the animals. But fuck! We forgot all the fucking plant life.. Shit. Kinda absent minded of god if you ask me. Also now we are left with two of every species which is handy sept not all the fucking humans and animals are inbreeding and have no fucking food! Really god what the fuck are you doing dude?[/quote]
Do you not understand the term logistics? How did the Israelites survive in the desert for 40 years? That How if it was provided by their own hands would be an example of logistics. However since God rained down manna daily, the matter points to the providence and care of God. Rather than through the efforts of man/"Logistics"
Now apply this principle to Noah and the animals. The how is beyond the scope of Noah's efforts as your arguments show time and time again. So now make the leap with mean and now look to the provenance of God.
[quote]Okay. Noah's arc.. [/quote]

[quote]How anybody can say that a all loving god did this with a straight face is beyond me but hell lets give it a whirl.[/quote]
Who said anything about love being God's leading attribute? This story and others point to Righteousness being the lead attribute of God. Righteousness demanding absolution/punishment for sin and evil.
[quote]So god man shows up and looks at the earth and all the people he made. [/quote]Not just "Men." I suggest that you take the time and read the account. Humans were killed, but others died as well.
[quote]Okay I see whats going on and fair play if I had a room full of Hitlers and a kill button try stop me. But your god is all knowing an created us therefore by proxy he created evil humans. Or the devil in which case he knowingly created the devil who is evil and knew he would corrupt them and didn't bother stopping this.[/quote]
Indeed. (This would make a good thread in of itself)
[quote]Next he see's an several hundred year old man and says "hey this guys okay. Ill keep him." The tells him and his family to build a boat.[/quote]yes a really big one
[quote]Seriously did god only find one good family amongst all these people? [/quote]Not "good." Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. where others did not.
[quote]Next they stick all Noah family on the boat with all the animals that walked their. Leaving all the rest of the world to die.. despite god loving everyone.[/quote]Again no. "Love" is not the single defining attribute of God you believe it to be.
[quote]Also leaving these people with no chance to say sorry and sort things out instead down come the rain and kills every evil little bastard on the planet. Men women children and babies. And the innocent animals that didn't win the celestial lottery that fateful day.[/quote]
Again here God does not worship life like those in this culture.Your understanding of Life and His are not the same. To Kill for God is to change mans state from a finite being to an infinite one.
[quote]Okay so that's pretty fucked up. Mass murder because god screwed up. I mean one of the angels must have been like "god are you sure you cant just ask them to say sorry and sort it out?"[/quote]Murder is the unsanctioned taking of Life. God sanctioned those deaths, or "changes of state." Also remember Humans were not the only sentient beings on the chopping block.
[quote]Okay this is where the shit really hits the fan. The whole planet just got flooded and yep we have all the animals. But fuck! We forgot all the fucking plant life.. Shit. Kinda absent minded of god if you ask me. Also now we are left with two of every species which is handy sept not all the fucking humans and animals are inbreeding and have no fucking food! Really god what the fuck are you doing dude?[/quote]
Do you not understand the term logistics? How did the Israelites survive in the desert for 40 years? That How if it was provided by their own hands would be an example of logistics. However since God rained down manna daily, the matter points to the providence and care of God. Rather than through the efforts of man/"Logistics"
Now apply this principle to Noah and the animals. The how is beyond the scope of Noah's efforts as your arguments show time and time again. So now make the leap with mean and now look to the provenance of God.