7:00 Alarm goes off: Blindly smack my phone until the alarm goes onto snooze
7:05 Alarm goes off again: Stumble out of bed, hit snooze, text goodmorning to a couple of girls back to bed.
7:10 Stumble back out of bed take a loong shower to try and wake up
7:30 Begin getting dressed
7:40 Realize i'm going to be late for school If i don't hurry up.
7:40-7:50 Procrastinate, check forums, facebook etc.
7:50-8:10 Fly out of my house like a bat out of hell attempting to get to school on time.
7:05 Alarm goes off again: Stumble out of bed, hit snooze, text goodmorning to a couple of girls back to bed.
7:10 Stumble back out of bed take a loong shower to try and wake up
7:30 Begin getting dressed
7:40 Realize i'm going to be late for school If i don't hurry up.
7:40-7:50 Procrastinate, check forums, facebook etc.
7:50-8:10 Fly out of my house like a bat out of hell attempting to get to school on time.