There is a friend of a friend of mine, whom is...well he's a conspiracy theory nut. He exhausts me to no end with his constant paranoia. If you asked him then Obama is a war mongering, foreign, robber baron hell bent on continuing a conspiracy that has spanned the breadth of the United State's history down the whole presidential line. He even tried to say the last Bush was part of the theory, though as I said to him, the fact that the man couldn't eat a goddamn pretzel without almost choking doesn't really speak well of his ability to maintain a far reaching conspiracy....amongst his other less than intelligent points, of which there are far too many to count.
Among those claims of some New World Order or what have you was the fear over the whole Agenda 21 put forth by the UN. Admittedly I didn't read the whole agenda as it was late, and I was exhausted from work and wanted to just chill. Still he made it seem like it was becoming a concentration camp plan (he brought up FEMA camps and the fact that we already have concentration camps apparently) or what not. From what I could see it was a damn conservation plan for cutting back carbon footprints and cutting back on resource consumption. But there might have been more to it.
There was also something about nutrients being taken out of food, he was vague on that (correction: more vague than he was on the other things) but it was along those lines. Codex....err...the second word had an 'A' in it. I can't remember off of the top of my head.
Anyways those are the three things he listed and was rather rabid about. Despite the fact that he couldn't provide any evidence, proof or what have you to back up these claims other than unconnected events in history. Seriously, some of his defense were different things that have happened in history and tried to connect the dots of a situation that had none of the context he was inferring too and made them fit the bill of his argument. It was cherry picking information at it's finest.
There really was no reasoning with him I swear.
In any case, anyone else run into this kind of crap with others? I mean really, I can't decide who is worse, the devout or conspiracy nuts....
Among those claims of some New World Order or what have you was the fear over the whole Agenda 21 put forth by the UN. Admittedly I didn't read the whole agenda as it was late, and I was exhausted from work and wanted to just chill. Still he made it seem like it was becoming a concentration camp plan (he brought up FEMA camps and the fact that we already have concentration camps apparently) or what not. From what I could see it was a damn conservation plan for cutting back carbon footprints and cutting back on resource consumption. But there might have been more to it.
There was also something about nutrients being taken out of food, he was vague on that (correction: more vague than he was on the other things) but it was along those lines. Codex....err...the second word had an 'A' in it. I can't remember off of the top of my head.
Anyways those are the three things he listed and was rather rabid about. Despite the fact that he couldn't provide any evidence, proof or what have you to back up these claims other than unconnected events in history. Seriously, some of his defense were different things that have happened in history and tried to connect the dots of a situation that had none of the context he was inferring too and made them fit the bill of his argument. It was cherry picking information at it's finest.
There really was no reasoning with him I swear.

In any case, anyone else run into this kind of crap with others? I mean really, I can't decide who is worse, the devout or conspiracy nuts....