Atheist Guide Into HighSchool.
August 2, 2012 at 9:12 am
(This post was last modified: August 2, 2012 at 9:17 am by All Knowing Hippie.)
This guide will give any atheists a ground in debating any kind of religious freaks in high school.
This are the mostly used arguments by the creationists,and you can back fire with the text written below.
The Bible was written thousands of years ago by authors, who didn’t got anything better to do than writing make up stories, because its more easy to put all the hunger, suffering, nature disasters into the hands of supernatural beings, than to search a logical way why this actually happened. Also, why would you choose this text over the many, many other religious texts that existed when homo sapiens started to think about it's existence.
Religion does not make you a better person. Religious people say "NEVER lie." But what if you were in Germany in 1942, harboring a family of jews, and the nazis came to your house and asked you if you were hiding anything? Would you lie and save the lives of those people, or would you tell the nazis that you are in fact hiding people, because the bible told you to. And to the point of killing people, you don't have to be a religious person to know that it's bad. As far as I know religion or the bible turned people into zombies, living close minded lives and denying some basic stuff that makes life interesting. Like love for an example: You must not have sex until marriage, or you should not satisfy your self you will go to hell,..! Well this is some silly rules.
Many people have claimed they've seen or heard things. Some people say they have been abducted by aliens, and some say they have seen jesus and other makeup shit. But actually in today’s world we are bombard by media, movies, stories... and other shit that kinda makes us live an “false reality”. Because of this stories we actually make our brains to think that this supernatural things all exists and we actually saw them but ,mostly when we are in a phase of deep sleep.
This brings us to the last argument. There is no scientific evidence (or any other for that matter, expect for religious primitives ) of creationism. There is much much much more evidence, how the universe started, how life got to earth,... just think of evolution and this is enough prof that we evolved and there is no giant zombie jesus in charge of everything.
This argument mostly gets compared by a watchmaker argument.So like the watch, the universe is intricate and complex; so, the argument goes, the universe too must have a creator.
Firstly, a watchmaker creates watches from per-existing materials, whereas God is claimed to have created the universe from nothing. Secondly, a watchmaker makes watches, but there are many other things in the world like people for starters.
So in the end im going to list you some useful links and books that you should read.
Antitheism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-theism
Antireligion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antireligion
Criticism of Religion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_religion
Strong Atheism http://www.strongatheism.net/
Secular Web http://infidels.org/
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/index.htm
The Skeptic's Annotated Quran http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/index.htm
The Skeptic's Annotated Book of Mormon http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/BOM/index.htm
The Committee For Skeptical Inquiry http://www.csicop.org/
Council For Secular Humanism http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.ph ... page=index
Freedom From Religion Foundation http://ffrf.org/
Nontheist Nexus http://nontheistnexus.com/index.php
Dwindling In Unbelief http://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/
No Beliefs http://nobeliefs.com/
God is Imaginary http://www.godisimaginary.com/index.htm
Evil Bible http://www.evilbible.com/
ExChristian http://new.exchristian.net/
Naturalism http://www.naturalism.org/
(V. Stenger's) Scientific Case Against God
Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Daniel Dennett, Breaking The Spell
Sam Harris, The End Of Faith
Christopher Hitchens, The Portable Atheist
Jack Huberman, The Quotable Atheist
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ
Friedrich Nietzsche, On The Genealogy of Morals
Bertrand Russel, Why I Am Not A Christian
This are the mostly used arguments by the creationists,and you can back fire with the text written below.
1.Religion makes you a better person!
2.I know God exists, I've seen him!
3.The Universe is so complex, it had to be designed.
The Bible was written thousands of years ago by authors, who didn’t got anything better to do than writing make up stories, because its more easy to put all the hunger, suffering, nature disasters into the hands of supernatural beings, than to search a logical way why this actually happened. Also, why would you choose this text over the many, many other religious texts that existed when homo sapiens started to think about it's existence.
Religion makes you a better person!
Religion does not make you a better person. Religious people say "NEVER lie." But what if you were in Germany in 1942, harboring a family of jews, and the nazis came to your house and asked you if you were hiding anything? Would you lie and save the lives of those people, or would you tell the nazis that you are in fact hiding people, because the bible told you to. And to the point of killing people, you don't have to be a religious person to know that it's bad. As far as I know religion or the bible turned people into zombies, living close minded lives and denying some basic stuff that makes life interesting. Like love for an example: You must not have sex until marriage, or you should not satisfy your self you will go to hell,..! Well this is some silly rules.
I know God exists, I've seen him!
Many people have claimed they've seen or heard things. Some people say they have been abducted by aliens, and some say they have seen jesus and other makeup shit. But actually in today’s world we are bombard by media, movies, stories... and other shit that kinda makes us live an “false reality”. Because of this stories we actually make our brains to think that this supernatural things all exists and we actually saw them but ,mostly when we are in a phase of deep sleep.
The Universe is so complex, it had to be designed
This brings us to the last argument. There is no scientific evidence (or any other for that matter, expect for religious primitives ) of creationism. There is much much much more evidence, how the universe started, how life got to earth,... just think of evolution and this is enough prof that we evolved and there is no giant zombie jesus in charge of everything.
This argument mostly gets compared by a watchmaker argument.So like the watch, the universe is intricate and complex; so, the argument goes, the universe too must have a creator.
Firstly, a watchmaker creates watches from per-existing materials, whereas God is claimed to have created the universe from nothing. Secondly, a watchmaker makes watches, but there are many other things in the world like people for starters.
So in the end im going to list you some useful links and books that you should read.
Wikipedia entries on:Antitheism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-theism
Antireligion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antireligion
Criticism of Religion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_religion
Strong Atheism http://www.strongatheism.net/
Secular Web http://infidels.org/
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/index.htm
The Skeptic's Annotated Quran http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/index.htm
The Skeptic's Annotated Book of Mormon http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/BOM/index.htm
The Committee For Skeptical Inquiry http://www.csicop.org/
Council For Secular Humanism http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.ph ... page=index
Freedom From Religion Foundation http://ffrf.org/
Nontheist Nexus http://nontheistnexus.com/index.php
Dwindling In Unbelief http://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/
No Beliefs http://nobeliefs.com/
God is Imaginary http://www.godisimaginary.com/index.htm
Evil Bible http://www.evilbible.com/
ExChristian http://new.exchristian.net/
Naturalism http://www.naturalism.org/
(V. Stenger's) Scientific Case Against God
Albert Camus, The StrangerRichard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Daniel Dennett, Breaking The Spell
Sam Harris, The End Of Faith
Christopher Hitchens, The Portable Atheist
Jack Huberman, The Quotable Atheist
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ
Friedrich Nietzsche, On The Genealogy of Morals
Bertrand Russel, Why I Am Not A Christian
I was a member of the atheistforums but i got tired of that site,and i made that thread,so i want to share it here again.
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All Knowing Hippie
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