"God is great... God is good... Let us thank him for our food. Amen." is a prayer that I have always disliked, even before I became atheist.
Well, the three of us could simply just say, "Okay, eating time," but I thought it might be more fun to try something else. I came up with an atheistic "prayer" based around the "god is great..." prayer.
The first blank can be filled in by whoever you want to thank for the meal. You could say the name of whoever cooked the meal (ex: Eric), simply say "the cook(s)" or "the chef(s)," or perhaps say the name of the restaurant you got the food from. If you want to use a word that is only one syllable you can change "let's" to "let us" in order to maintain the flow of it. (ex: Let us thank Mom for this meal.)
The second blank can be any short phrase of your choosing. Perhaps, "Leeeet's eat!" "Oooo-kay!" or "Yaaay atheism!" However, the thing still functions without anything there, if you prefer.
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Alternate version:
This addresses all gods instead of just the Christian god, if you would prefer. It derives a little further away from the original, Christian prayer, but has a better message in my opinion.
Try it! It's kind of fun, especially if you're just eating with some atheistic friends or family.
I'm not usually one for confrontation, but once, back in high school, I said it when this heavily Christian guy sat down at the table. Oh, the look on his face before he started yelling at me from across the table... Priceless.
Well, the three of us could simply just say, "Okay, eating time," but I thought it might be more fun to try something else. I came up with an atheistic "prayer" based around the "god is great..." prayer.
"God is fake... God's not real... Let's thank _____ for this meal. _____."
The first blank can be filled in by whoever you want to thank for the meal. You could say the name of whoever cooked the meal (ex: Eric), simply say "the cook(s)" or "the chef(s)," or perhaps say the name of the restaurant you got the food from. If you want to use a word that is only one syllable you can change "let's" to "let us" in order to maintain the flow of it. (ex: Let us thank Mom for this meal.)
The second blank can be any short phrase of your choosing. Perhaps, "Leeeet's eat!" "Oooo-kay!" or "Yaaay atheism!" However, the thing still functions without anything there, if you prefer.
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Alternate version:
"gods are fake... gods aren't real... Let's thank _____ for this meal. _____."
This addresses all gods instead of just the Christian god, if you would prefer. It derives a little further away from the original, Christian prayer, but has a better message in my opinion.
Try it! It's kind of fun, especially if you're just eating with some atheistic friends or family.
I'm not usually one for confrontation, but once, back in high school, I said it when this heavily Christian guy sat down at the table. Oh, the look on his face before he started yelling at me from across the table... Priceless.
Xenoblade Chronicles spoilers: "And so, what I... No, what we wish for is... A world with no gods!" - Shulk