Quote: And having Atheist Organizations?
There is no such thing as 'an atheist organistion'. There are a diverse range of organisations/clubs/association/political parties to which some atheists belong. Some even use the word 'atheist' in their name. At best they represent their members,they do not represent atheists as a group.
Quote:Why do Atheists need to congregate and form these organizations?
Why should atheists be any different from other human beings? We are social animals.
I suspect there are range of reasons. I belong because it suits me. It's a pastime and keeps me on my toes mentally. I suspect some American atheists belong partly from self defence. Atheists are hated and discriminated against in the US. For some people it may be the only place they can engage in intelligent conversation.
Quote:What are they trying to accomplish by coming together?
Why does there need to be an agenda? I don't have one,other than to feed my delicate little ego. I can't speak for others. However,I'm aware of no overt agenda overall.
Quote:Who gets to lead an Atheist group?
Once again there is no such thing as an atheist group,so by definition there is no such thing as an atheist leader or spokesperson. Atheist forums are privately owned internet sites,they are not democracies.
Quote:What kind of credentials must the leader have?
The question is meaningless. Are you perhaps thinking of people such as Richard Dawkins (scientist;NOT a philosopher) and Chris Hitchens? (journalist,neither a scientist nor a philosopher) That pair are popularist writers,who represent their own views, period. 'A lot of people' seem to absorb uncritically whatever those guys say. I don't.
Quote: A lot of people are fucking stupid (George Carlin)