RE: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Part 1)
November 23, 2014 at 6:18 pm
(This post was last modified: November 23, 2014 at 6:19 pm by Esquilax.)
(November 23, 2014 at 8:55 am)His_Majesty Wrote: In my opinion, a dead jew coming back to life can't be more ridiculous than inanimate matter coming to life and beginning to think and talk to each other.
I believe that a dead jew came BACK to life...and you believe that inanimate matter came TO life. There have been more people in history that corroborated have my claims than yours, and yours is supposed to be the natural one 
No no, you don't get to just bullshit your way through this. I'm not going to let this pass:
you believe inanimate matter came to life and suddenly began to think and talk to each other. Adam and Eve were created from dirt and a rib, aka:
inanimate matter/ And they
really did just suddenly start talking and thinking, they didn't have billions of years to scaffold up to that point. So your own beliefs are patently more ridiculous than even the most simplified version of abiogenesis, but it gets worse for you too, because even straw-biogenesis doesn't involve a magical space wizard who can survive outside of reality doing magic to turn inanimate matter living. And one could easily remind you that it is
you who believes that all that inanimate matter came into being from nothing and magic too.
Your own beliefs are far more ridiculous than the ones you're making fun of, so where exactly do you get off acting so condescending to everyone else? You don't get to pretend your religion is somehow more well founded a belief just because you've decided it's okay to pretend the answer involves an intentional agent performing a golem spell; that belief is ridiculous, and there's no evidence for it. It doesn't suddenly become rational just because it superficially corresponds with what we can confirm to be true about human creations and design. It still involves fucking magic from a genie.
Quote:And by the way, abiogenesis is scientifically unproven...I don't know what it is you were attempting to do up there, but let me remind you that it is unproved, and unobserved.
So is your fucking god.
Quote:Well I will put it to you like this: He wrote his piece in the 90'sAD, and at best he is saying that there exists a traditional belief going around that a man named Jesus, who was a wise man who gained many followers amongst both Jews and Greeks, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and the traditional belief is still being held til this day.
Now, that belief can be traced right back to Pontius Pilate, because we know from Paul's writings that the belief in the Resurrection was a belief that was held DURING the reign of Tiberius, and Pilate served under Tiberius' reign, and Paul WAS a contemporary source.
So it all just flows together like pearls on a string.
... Assuming we take the bronze age verbal telephone game the early christians played to be an accurate source for these scattered, non-contemporaneous vague references to be accurate. My contention is that we have no reason to do so, you don't get to respond to me by just pretending that it is anyway.
Quote:Bullshit. It's not as if I just said "word of mouth" and left it at that. I said other stuff too, you know? Like how you said, "It'd be like if we were only just now getting written records of stuff that happened in the nineties." And my point was Christianity had spread far and wide DESPITE not having written records. So in other words, written record's weren't necessary for the word to spread.
How is that for clarity?
Have you ever played the telephone game? Now try doing that over unsourced magic claims, from uneducated folk, across vast distances. Written records at least have the benefit of being objective; you're relying on word of mouth, which is notorious for not only mutation, but inaccuracy, and you're trying to say
that is clarity?
Quote:And exactly what would they say as a way to describe him as being a servant of the devil? Healing the sick? Water to wine? Feeding the multitude? Raising people from the dead? Performing exorcisms?
"This man is a servant of the devil, because he healed the sick, turned water into wine...he also feed the hungry, raised the dead, and freed people from being possessed by demon's!!!....he is a servant of the devil, I say, servant of the devil!!!!"
Like I said, more harm than good.
Are you that unaware of your own religion? Do you not know of the numerous interpretations of Revelations that place the antichrist as a deceiver styling himself after the messiah and performing great feats to lead the world astray?
Your own fucking religion already has ideas about how one can discredit a messianic figure. Not to mention all the stuff about magic and witchcraft; all they'd have to do is claim that the source of his power isn't divine.
"This man is a servant of the devil! Yes, he may heal the sick and feed the hungry, but he does so to sway you! The source of his power is satanic, and though he appears beneficent now, his true desires are for you to turn away from god!"
Was that so fucking hard?
Quote: Ok, well I will put it to you like this...there is no historical record of Christian crusades in the first century either...and at least I have one non-Christian account of Christian persecution, which back up my don't have anything to back up yours..
Here's that reference I don't have to back up my position. You really should, you know,
think for a minute before you make declarative statements about what others do and do not have, you ignorant bullshit artist.
Quote:and if it was the behavior of barbaric Christians that caused Christianity to spread (according to your messed up logic), then Islam should be the world's #1 religion.
Do you deny the inquisitions, crusades and commands to kill those of other religions from christianity? They're pretty well established, historically. Not to mention,
as I fucking said to begin with, I wasn't just talking about straight up violence, but missionary work, indoctrination, and so on. I know strawmen appeal to you for whatever reason, but when I literally say what I meant in the very next paragraph, and you quote that paragraph too, it's not like you can pretend not to know what I said. Everyone knows that you're lying.
Quote:Quote: Not that your argument works at all to begin with; those 2 billion current christians exist because their religion benefits from the extended period of cultural domination and indoctrination it enjoys... because of the violence they performed in the past. Modern christianity isn't some isolated and unconnected religion that just popped up fifty years ago, dude; it is the current iteration of a continuous movement that established itself to this point via violence and dishonest cultural appropriation. Not to mention, I wasn't just talking about the armies, but the missionaries and preachers... all the other people who helped spread and maintain christianity that weren't Jesus?
Genetic fallacy.
I posted the previous paragraph you responded to here so that everyone else can see it too. Does anyone else know what this lunatic is going on about, calling this the genetic fallacy? Do you even know what the genetic fallacy
is, H_M?