Of course God knew the outcome of the Garden.
How can one be all knowing and not know?
Even God does not get what He wants in the end.
He gets what he gets via OUR choices. He says to CHOOSE Life over death.
Over and over, that principle is given.
His desire is that NONE are lost. It is not His choice.
Each of us are free moral agents.
You are free to do WHATEVER (ist) you want.
Even Satan and his angels were and are free moral agents.
The difference is they are locked in to the choice they made.
We are not (yet).
The Garden is not presented as an allegory.
It is presented as a historical event to inform us of our past- an event which is replicated in our individual lives constantly.
The System pushes knowledge rather than Life. Same song different day.
The JWs left a tract of theirs at my door just after I became a believer.
I scanned it.
A quote was in there, it said,"This is eternal life- that they may know about thee ..."
I perceived something wrong with that.
So I flipped open a real bible and it said."This is eternal life- that they may KNOW thee
the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent (John 17;3)
The difference between knowing about and knowing is as vast as the seas.
How can one be all knowing and not know?
Even God does not get what He wants in the end.
He gets what he gets via OUR choices. He says to CHOOSE Life over death.
Over and over, that principle is given.
His desire is that NONE are lost. It is not His choice.
Each of us are free moral agents.
You are free to do WHATEVER (ist) you want.
Even Satan and his angels were and are free moral agents.
The difference is they are locked in to the choice they made.
We are not (yet).
The Garden is not presented as an allegory.
It is presented as a historical event to inform us of our past- an event which is replicated in our individual lives constantly.
The System pushes knowledge rather than Life. Same song different day.
The JWs left a tract of theirs at my door just after I became a believer.
I scanned it.
A quote was in there, it said,"This is eternal life- that they may know about thee ..."
I perceived something wrong with that.
So I flipped open a real bible and it said."This is eternal life- that they may KNOW thee
the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent (John 17;3)
The difference between knowing about and knowing is as vast as the seas.