Yes this BAD idea is back.
(I won't put in a link, just google FCC robocalls and check with your favorite news purveyor)
You may recall a few years ago US House members Lee Terry (R-NE) and Edolphus Townes (D-NY) introduced a bill to allow robocalls on everyone's cell phones, as that is currently prohibited.
Turns out, that is a VERY unpopular idea. Just from letting robo-trolls burn up all your cell minutes (depending on your plan) to interrupting you even more on your cell, everybody hates the idea.
Even 49 out of 50 States Attorneys General agreed it was a BAD idea.
Also note, with 49 out of 59 SAG, the ideas hate factor transcends party affiliation. Virtually EVERYBODY thinks this idea sucks.
So, call or text your Representative and your Senators (Really!! I have and will keep at it) and tell them to rein in the FCC and this dumb idea.
Who thinks it's a good idea ? Well, I can't imagine the FCC came up with this one in-house, so we would look to the groups that got Terry and Townes to stick their necks out (and get burned) and they would be:
American Bankers Association
Mortgage Bankers Association
Now, I certainly would not suggest anyone here pray to the God Anusius to shower them with Santorum, but, it's something to think about,
(I won't put in a link, just google FCC robocalls and check with your favorite news purveyor)
You may recall a few years ago US House members Lee Terry (R-NE) and Edolphus Townes (D-NY) introduced a bill to allow robocalls on everyone's cell phones, as that is currently prohibited.
Turns out, that is a VERY unpopular idea. Just from letting robo-trolls burn up all your cell minutes (depending on your plan) to interrupting you even more on your cell, everybody hates the idea.
Even 49 out of 50 States Attorneys General agreed it was a BAD idea.
Also note, with 49 out of 59 SAG, the ideas hate factor transcends party affiliation. Virtually EVERYBODY thinks this idea sucks.
So, call or text your Representative and your Senators (Really!! I have and will keep at it) and tell them to rein in the FCC and this dumb idea.
Who thinks it's a good idea ? Well, I can't imagine the FCC came up with this one in-house, so we would look to the groups that got Terry and Townes to stick their necks out (and get burned) and they would be:
American Bankers Association
Mortgage Bankers Association
Now, I certainly would not suggest anyone here pray to the God Anusius to shower them with Santorum, but, it's something to think about,