(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Yes 90% of the time when parents are 'protecting their children' they are being douche bags, and they turn their kids into little d-bags too.
there's a percentage pulled from your ass in its entirety. You have a poor opinion of most parents usually found only in the childless.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Brakeman want to raise a fuss over what amounts to an easter egg hunt, in the name of 'protecting his kids.' That old sport is being a douche bag of the highest caliber.
An Easter egg hunt sponsored by the church to which the people who have been prosyletizing his child behind his back belong. They are clearly not to be trusted around other people's children.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: grow up, take the chip off your shoulder and the stick out of your butt. it's an easter egg hunt.
And likely some other stuff, too. There's the 'empty egg game', where, when the kids find their eggs are empty, you read them Matthew 28:6. Or instead of putting candy in the eggs, put little props that tell the story of the resurrection. Or put cut pieces of the Easter story into eggs and have the kdis piece it together.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: What is their to comperhend. The easter bunny hides eggs and prizes and the kids look for them.. Maybe in the end for 10 mins someone talks about jesus. what do you really think the kids takeaway from that event is going to be?
Never been to a Pentecostal Easter egg hunt, eh? They are to Easter egg hunts what 'Turn Before You Burn' haunted houses are to Halloween fun houses.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Don't be a overprotective douche. it an EASTER EGG HUNT!
Who do you think you are to dictate to Brakeman what he does and does not allow his daughter to attend? You know the people involved already have a history of preying on the vulnerability of young children to religious conversion. A guy like you calling anyone else a 'douche' would be laughable if it wasn't equally sad.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: 
I'm a pious self righteous person because i dont see a big deal in an easter egg hunt?
Because you do see yourself as someone whose parenting advice has some sort of value despite your main activity on this forum being showing your ass.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: I don't have feelings of being inferior (look up a term if you truly don't know the defination to it)
You should. It would make you learning some humility at least conceivable.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: In things like your mis use of a word, but nazi like attention to it's spelling makes me want to shake you people.
Do you suppose the reason our attention to spelling is so frustrating to you is that you're an extraoridinarily bad speller who, for some reason, really hates to learn how to spell a word correctly? I suspect that may have something to do with your bad spelling. There's nothing wrong with misspelling a word, but being unwilling to learn how to spell it correctly is childish.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: I don't rag on you for not using words correctly anywhere to the degree I have been chastized for spelling them incorrectly.
Maybe you should try it once in a while. You might learn we take it a lot better, as a rule, provided you don't accompany it with one of your stupid smileys. You're not being chastized for your spelling, you're being chastized for not being able to take it with grace. But where would you be able to get ahold of any grace?
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: I am in this case and like with brake man point back to the planks hanging out of your own eye. Believe in Jesus or not maybe you should take the plank out of your own eye before digging at the speck in mine.
(Don't look now but there is your verse.)
Your post history indicates that both of your eyes are made out of planks. Maybe you should try following your scriptures yourself.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: That comment my brother contains all the hall marks of someone with a superiority complex. (look it up don't assume you know what it means)
su·pe·ri·or·i·ty com·plex
an attitude of superiority that conceals actual feelings of inferiority and failure.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Because someone who is confident in what they say can be laughed at without the need to address the laughter. (unless asked to
No one has complained about 'being laughed at'. What's irritating is your use of them when you're not saying anything funny as a reply to something that wasn't funny. It doesn't come off as laughter, it comes off as crowing. It's like you don't know when using them is appropriate. Which I can readily believe. Or you're actually crowing, which is even easier to believe.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: IDK who took prayer out of school?
No one. Kids can still pray in school. It in no way prevents you from teaching your chldren your beliefs. It prevents teachers from teaching your children
their beliefs.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Who took our rights to celibrate Holy-Days in our schools?
No one. They've just been made more inclusive for non-Christians, who are about 40% of the kids in school nowadays. And that in no way prevents you from teaching your children your beliefs.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Who demanded that the tradition started at the founding of capitol building of using it for Christian worship be stopped?
I presume Ulysses Grant, since he was president in 1870 when apparently attendance had dropped considerably as there were many churches to attend in DC. Under the current president, services have resumed.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: What good is pointing out something in a picture if the person your point it out to is blind?
Illustration of correct use of

, because you thinking someone else is blind is hilarious.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Quote:You live in pure fantasy land.
you live here too. Just OPEN YOUR EYES!
I'm not an indiscriminate smiley kind of guy, so I'll hold off this time, even though your use of tu quoque regarding living in pure fanatasy land is pure comedy gold.
(March 25, 2015 at 5:06 pm)Drich Wrote: I'm really beginning to respect you lax.. You seem to genuinly be one of the smart ones. Most try,and mimic what smart people do (spelling grammer ect) but the content unless coppied is always lacking. With you I can see the hamster spinning in the wheel house and generally 'know' that who and what you are is genuine.
That said..
That quote is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read.
How do you think Christian parents feel when the things we teach and try to assign value to ethecially is crapped on by soceity, the goverment and by the culture?
Apparently much like white racists felt when they were forced to allow equal accommodations for African Americans, like sharing water fountains and equal seating on buses. Nothing has happened to Christianity in this country that amounts to more than losing special privileges not enjoyed by other religions which Christians should never have had in the first place. That could fly though, when the country was 90% Christian, there weren't enough people to successfully resist being flattened under the Christian steamroller. Now that it's more like 60%, it's getting harder and harder for Christians to keep government institutions under a sectarian thumb. People who are used to their special privileges typically feel threatened and persecuted when they're taken away. However, it is not real persecution to have to follow the same rules that apply to everyone else.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: How is what Brakeman is experiencing any different than the assult on our core beliefs in every other aspect of life?
It's not your beliefs that are being assaulted, it's your special privileges. Why should teachers be allowed to lead other people's children in prayers of religions to which they don't belong? This was a problem for decades with Jews and Catholics before any atheists got involved. Protestant domination of school prayers is the main reason we have so many Catholic schools: it was either pray Prostestant or build their own schools. Now the Catholics are beginning to outnumber Protestants in the USA, it would be poetic justice for Protestant kids to have to follow Catholic prayers, but fortunately the law against government employees leading a captive audience of other people's children in prayer prevents that from happening.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: How is the senerio of your kid challenging you any different that the atmosphere western soceity has created to have our children challenge us?
You haven't established that that is what is happening. What you seem to be saying is that Christians aren't capable of raising their children with their values at home and at church unless government schools reinforce those teachings officially. Isn't that really your problem and not the government's?
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Ex: We tell our kids Homosexuality is wrong, and in every avenue of media, school, friends, and every other non-Christian source is telling them not only is it ok it's what 'trending.'
If you want to isolate your children from cultural shifts, that's what homeschooling and private schools ar for. Of course, it is not unusual for those kids to depart from the beliefs you tried teaching them anyway when they grow up and find out they've been lied to.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: That if the want to get the girl, their going to have to go through a bunch of boys..
That sentence did not make any sense.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: This list does not stop here, it goes on and on andon for the Christian. and the first time one of you gets challenged with an easter egg hunt you loose your minds!
If you're losing your kids, maybe you're the ones who are doing something wrong. No minds lost, a parent is allowed to say no or provide an alternate activity for their small children rather than sending them to an event they have misgivings about. In fact, it's their responsibility to so do. Chrisitans have the exact same priviledge to decide what events
their small children attend. That's why there are anti-Halloween events at fundamentalist churches on Halloween night. Brakeman isn't exercising any discretion to which you are not entitled, yourself.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: What do you think it is I do here? Have you ever seen the movie Maveric with Mel gibson in the title role?
I've seen it.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: One of the first poker games you watch is of Maveric promising to loose every hand he plays for an hour... after that time is up He took all their money, and asks "What is it do you think I was doing that first hour?" "I was learning your tells."
Maverick was a really good gambler, and a character with the writers on his side, so that worked out well for him. You, on the other hand, are the town clown.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: I have been doing the same thing for the past 8 years.
Keep telling yourself that. It's the key to your hilarity.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: Now what do you think I've been doing with that information? Bragging about my victorys? Uh, no.
You haven't even had any, but you brag anyway.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: I take everything said break it down research it and build counter arguements, then I bring them here and see what you all can do with them. If they make it though the gauntlet the arguements get passed along, if they don't i try again.
Maybe someday you will construct one that 'makes it through the gauntlet' but I highly doubt that if that breakthrough is ever made, that you will be the one to do it.
(March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm)Drich Wrote: If you think you could hold your own with any of the kids I have taught, then bring it. Ill see if anyone wants to 'play.'
I'm not surprised that you've had success with gullible children. I encourage you to invite them to join this forum, if they're at least in their teens now.
(March 25, 2015 at 6:13 pm)Nope Wrote: Quote:That if the want to get the girl, their going to have to go through a bunch of boys..
Drich, what are you trying to say here? Who is trying to get whatever girl you are talking you meant?
No one mentioned an easter egg hunt.
Serious question, are you feeling okay, Drich? These past posts of yours are bizarre.
Actually, Brakeman mentioned an Easter egg hunt in a later post. Apparently the same people who slipped his daughter the Bible want her to come to their church for an Easter egg hunt.
(March 26, 2015 at 10:06 am)urlawyer Wrote: (March 26, 2015 at 9:03 am)Drich Wrote: Do you really want a history lesson?
If you do know I can go well beyond the typical atheist propaganda, and if you want to play this game you will need to do some research.
If you want to start, lets start here:
There is a 1 min tourist testimonial in the middle but their is alot more verfiable facts on the other side.
So most of the founding fathers were christian *gasp* that's something I never knew 
What you don't seem to realize is that while they were christian, they still had the decency to allow other people their own religious freedoms. Sure they made a bible for the schools and did a bunch of other religious stuff you would expect, nobody's perfect. But they realized others as having their own opinions and beliefs and sought to give them that freedom. Hence the first amendment in hopes it would do that, and we're only now starting to bring it to full fruition.
They actually did not make a Bible for the schools. They gave their stamp of approval for it being an accurate translation, but they did not authorize any expenditure to print or distribute them.
Barton is not actually an historian, and has been caught in many other lies as well. Even the more reputable Christian scholars scorn his propaganda.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.