(thought it would be handy to have a thread with all the buffoonery we'd be interested in hearing here)
Anyhow, to start;
Found out today a small municipal tourist trap I volunteer for has been rented by the Huckabee campaign for an event of some sort next month. We are not in a position to turn down rental fee so when the call was received, it wasn't even sent to the board for discussion prior to approval. Never anticipated we'd be picked for something like this, we generally host family get togethers and the occasional swap meet, car show or committee meeting type things. It is a really small facility and I did ask why we were picked, and apparently a large venue with 90% empty capacity is a bad visual, a small venue with cars blocking nearby streets and apparent throngs of people crowding the building looks way better on the news.
Well, anyhow, it's an opportunity to see how they make sausage from the inside. I'll report outrages and oddities as they occur.
As for me 'doing something', well, as much as I'd like to wear a "FUCK HUCK" t-shirt that day, it ain't gonna happen. If I get a chance to ask a question, I'm thinking something along the lines of, "Clearly, you're serving 2 masters, and to me it's clear the 1 that should be #1 isn't, so how does that set you apart from all the other sell outs in the race ?".
If anyone has something better, post it, that was the best I was able to come up with in a couple hours. Keep in mind, I like to pose questions to christers from a position far more into the Literalist and Inerrant orbit than any of them are likely to find comfortable themselves.
I had Huckabee pegged last campaign when he was saying pretty much the right stuff (from what should be his 'christer' viewpoint in regards to the Mormon apostate, Romney) during the lead up to the convention. Once Romney got nominated, Huck suddenly had a revelation the fucktard Mormons ain't tools of satan anymore ('specially when running against a negroidal lib'ral Mudslime) and wasted no time shaving his taint just the way old Horny Joe Smith likes to see under them magiks underwears.
It was sickening. I'm sure Jesus vomited too.
Looks like I'll have an interesting summer . . .
Anyhow, to start;
Found out today a small municipal tourist trap I volunteer for has been rented by the Huckabee campaign for an event of some sort next month. We are not in a position to turn down rental fee so when the call was received, it wasn't even sent to the board for discussion prior to approval. Never anticipated we'd be picked for something like this, we generally host family get togethers and the occasional swap meet, car show or committee meeting type things. It is a really small facility and I did ask why we were picked, and apparently a large venue with 90% empty capacity is a bad visual, a small venue with cars blocking nearby streets and apparent throngs of people crowding the building looks way better on the news.
Well, anyhow, it's an opportunity to see how they make sausage from the inside. I'll report outrages and oddities as they occur.
As for me 'doing something', well, as much as I'd like to wear a "FUCK HUCK" t-shirt that day, it ain't gonna happen. If I get a chance to ask a question, I'm thinking something along the lines of, "Clearly, you're serving 2 masters, and to me it's clear the 1 that should be #1 isn't, so how does that set you apart from all the other sell outs in the race ?".
If anyone has something better, post it, that was the best I was able to come up with in a couple hours. Keep in mind, I like to pose questions to christers from a position far more into the Literalist and Inerrant orbit than any of them are likely to find comfortable themselves.
I had Huckabee pegged last campaign when he was saying pretty much the right stuff (from what should be his 'christer' viewpoint in regards to the Mormon apostate, Romney) during the lead up to the convention. Once Romney got nominated, Huck suddenly had a revelation the fucktard Mormons ain't tools of satan anymore ('specially when running against a negroidal lib'ral Mudslime) and wasted no time shaving his taint just the way old Horny Joe Smith likes to see under them magiks underwears.
It was sickening. I'm sure Jesus vomited too.
Looks like I'll have an interesting summer . . .

The granting of a pardon is an imputation of guilt, and the acceptance a confession of it.