Ok does any one know why science cannot define true correct philosophy?<br />
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Here is another.<br />
Can true philosophy completely explain science?<br />
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How bout this no brainer. <br />
Is science knowledge?<br />
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One last question before I begin to explain myself. <br />
Is everything energy, either stored or whats the word... active?<br />
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Now what the heck am I talking about... true philosophy. Bare with me and excuse the shitty language skills. Philosophy in the way that I will be talking about is general. Much is even metaphorical. So according to old text there were these first people right? Adam and Eve. They were able to enjoy a lot of things because they had free will or the ability to think. A marvelous gift indeed. God only asked that they didn't do one thing. Something about eating some special fruit or something right? Wasn't it referred to as the fruit of knowledge. So they had free will to do almost whatever they wanted and experience life for the beauty and majesty that it is. So God created all these wonderful things with nothing to really appreciate it or experience it on a real level, or benefit from it past just living, except for man. The Lord warned them of the fruit of knowledge for there own good but they couldn't understand why. After much thought and because of the other side of free will· temptation they eventually partook of the fruit of knowledge. Now the reason that the Lord didn't want them to experience that particular thing was because even though they wouldn't be able to tell because of inherent evil, that particular knowledge had the potential to destroy there opportunity at experiencing life as he had deemed fit. A life without pain if you will. A beautiful life. It also had the ability to destroy life completely. We were tempted and did eat because of a negativity that is part of us. An energy. <br />
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So science can and does fall in to place just right within philosophy. In fact it is a major part of it. It is an extra ordinary observational tool that just so happens to dissect, kill, or otherwise expel everything that we use it for. Science is a way of undoing with the pretence that usable knowledge will be obtained. It is indeed a very powerful tool of destruction. So science has the ability to not only wipe us from creation, nullify the beauty of all creation and perhaps nullify all of creation itself. This seams very negative. Well if people were completely understanding of these facts of science or didn't know of science at all then we would be a ok. But evil lurks in us all and we can be easily blinded by science itself and other motives.<br />
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So philosophy encompasses science wholly.<br />
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We have good and evil in all of us. It can be seen as positive and negative. Why? Because everything including atoms seem to be some combination of positive and negative energy if you will allow that. So is everything energy either positive, negative, or some yet explained by science that is akin to chaos or disorder? <br />
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So science is a knowledge that can and has led us astray along with all sorts of other societal norms. We all had and have a chance to change our fate as one living thing. Positive and negative and chaos are the ways of everything in our Universe that we are directly linked to without science. We can understand this without the use of science. The more positive, good, rightious, things we do will have a lasting impact as will the negative evil things and the indifference or lack of action. We can indeed know everything we need to know without science. It is but a useful tool and only that when used by people with a wide understanding of reality without dissecting it.<br />
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By the way things usually die when you take them apart..<br />
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Sorry for any rambling unclear statements. I will do my best to clarify anything I can. Really difficult to post something this big on a phone. <br />
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Sent from my C6730 using Tapatalk
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Here is another.<br />
Can true philosophy completely explain science?<br />
<br />
How bout this no brainer. <br />
Is science knowledge?<br />
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One last question before I begin to explain myself. <br />
Is everything energy, either stored or whats the word... active?<br />
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Now what the heck am I talking about... true philosophy. Bare with me and excuse the shitty language skills. Philosophy in the way that I will be talking about is general. Much is even metaphorical. So according to old text there were these first people right? Adam and Eve. They were able to enjoy a lot of things because they had free will or the ability to think. A marvelous gift indeed. God only asked that they didn't do one thing. Something about eating some special fruit or something right? Wasn't it referred to as the fruit of knowledge. So they had free will to do almost whatever they wanted and experience life for the beauty and majesty that it is. So God created all these wonderful things with nothing to really appreciate it or experience it on a real level, or benefit from it past just living, except for man. The Lord warned them of the fruit of knowledge for there own good but they couldn't understand why. After much thought and because of the other side of free will· temptation they eventually partook of the fruit of knowledge. Now the reason that the Lord didn't want them to experience that particular thing was because even though they wouldn't be able to tell because of inherent evil, that particular knowledge had the potential to destroy there opportunity at experiencing life as he had deemed fit. A life without pain if you will. A beautiful life. It also had the ability to destroy life completely. We were tempted and did eat because of a negativity that is part of us. An energy. <br />
<br />
So science can and does fall in to place just right within philosophy. In fact it is a major part of it. It is an extra ordinary observational tool that just so happens to dissect, kill, or otherwise expel everything that we use it for. Science is a way of undoing with the pretence that usable knowledge will be obtained. It is indeed a very powerful tool of destruction. So science has the ability to not only wipe us from creation, nullify the beauty of all creation and perhaps nullify all of creation itself. This seams very negative. Well if people were completely understanding of these facts of science or didn't know of science at all then we would be a ok. But evil lurks in us all and we can be easily blinded by science itself and other motives.<br />
<br />
So philosophy encompasses science wholly.<br />
<br />
We have good and evil in all of us. It can be seen as positive and negative. Why? Because everything including atoms seem to be some combination of positive and negative energy if you will allow that. So is everything energy either positive, negative, or some yet explained by science that is akin to chaos or disorder? <br />
<br />
So science is a knowledge that can and has led us astray along with all sorts of other societal norms. We all had and have a chance to change our fate as one living thing. Positive and negative and chaos are the ways of everything in our Universe that we are directly linked to without science. We can understand this without the use of science. The more positive, good, rightious, things we do will have a lasting impact as will the negative evil things and the indifference or lack of action. We can indeed know everything we need to know without science. It is but a useful tool and only that when used by people with a wide understanding of reality without dissecting it.<br />
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By the way things usually die when you take them apart..<br />
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Sorry for any rambling unclear statements. I will do my best to clarify anything I can. Really difficult to post something this big on a phone. <br />
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Sent from my C6730 using Tapatalk