There's no way I'm the only one who...
... eats(drinks?) steak sauce, and Worcestershire sauce, straight out of the bottle.
... can't stand being aware that his toes are touching each other.
Oh, sonofabitch!
... has to have the toilet paper roll facing the right way.
... can't bear to have any kind of cloth rub up against his teeth.
... likes to yank it without lube.

I know of people who eat Marmite with a spoon,
and I know a guy who drank BBQ sauce.
Of course, he also held dryer sheets up against his nose and sniffed them until he had a severe reaction,
and also ate Ketchup potato chips until he puked up a big red blob.
(You're welcome).
The worst type of cloth to have against your teeth is that fabric they make women's tops and dresses out of,
the name of that fabric is "slinky". Bite on that and you will hate life. The only thing worse is tinfoil.
I know you are right about the TP but I don't care. I like it the other way. Easier to grab.
And why no lube? I'm not criticizing, but I'm intrigued.
Does that mean that you would also prefer your hand, to actual intercourse, then???
Lots of men will get themselves off, right after having sex,
and it alarms, puzzles, and hurts some of their female partners.
I figure it is like going to see Star Wars at the theatre in 3D,
then rushing home to play the video game.
But maybe it is because sex is too "slippery" for some guys
and just isn't as satisfying as a bare hand????