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Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
You hear this all the time.  “Look at all the good my church does!  What do YOU do?”  Is there any truth to this idea, that Christians contribute more than atheists do to society?  The short answer is, “There is no way to know”.
The problem is one of data.  We have data on how much Christians contribute to society financially.  Atheism is not an organization of any sort, so there is no data to show how much atheists contribute to society.  Surely it’s going to be less simply because there are far fewer atheists worldwide than there are Christians.  If it were not less that would be very, very telling about the “charitable” nature of Christians.  And how do you measure it?  The claim doesn't specifically state that it's "financial contributions" and, in fact, examples given are usually not financial.  But how do you measure the value of non-financial contributions to determine which is "more"?
Certainly we do know that atheists do contribute to society.  We do have some records of various atheist groups helping out at various disaster sites or giving to various charities.  We also have things like the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which contribute to society by protecting people’s rights from being trampled on by Christians, but I doubt Christians would count that as any form of “contribution” to society.  So another problem becomes one of perception.  What does it mean to “contribute to society”?  And that is where we see the first real evidence that they are secretly stacking the deck.  THEY choose what is and is not a “contribution to society”.  Much of the known work atheists do they consider to be a “detriment”, not a contribution.
So let’s look at one example of what we do know of Christian contributions to society.  Catholics just LOVE to point out that a lot of the hospitals worldwide are Catholic hospitals.  What they don’t want to tell you is that they make a profit for the Catholic Church.  What they also don’t want to tell you is that Catholic hospitals provide roughly HALF the “charity care” that public hospitals do according to a report by the ACLU (page 12).  What they also don’t want you do realize is that every Catholic church is a veritable castle worth millions, a huge expenditure which could be better spent helping people, if that were the real ultimate goal.  They also don’t want you to know that the Catholic Church isn’t just opening new hospitals left and right, they’re buying up existing hospitals, replacing the public hospitals which provide twice as much charitable care as they do.  So the reality is that the Catholic Church is actually REDUCING charitable contributions to public health!!!  That you’re providing half a bowl of soup and a slice of bread to feed the poor is IRRELEVANT if you do that by running out the people who are providing an entire bowl of soup and two slices of bread.  It doesn’t make you a savior, it makes you a dick!
The reality of the situation is that we cannot look at the contributions of “Christians” any more than we can look at the contributions of atheists.  We can look at the contributions of Christian and atheist “organizations”, who are required by law to report their financial activities.  Individual Christians and atheists, unless they say, “Look at me!  I’m helping!”, we have no way of knowing what they do.  A quick search turns up numbers in America of 83% identifying as Christian with 3.1% identifying as atheist.  So all things being equal we would expect Christians to “contribute” at a rate of a little more than 26.75x the rate of atheist contributions in America.  It’s difficult to look up actual numbers, though, because people only really study the monetary contributions, much of which goes to the religious organizations themselves, for Christians.  Yet this claim is mysteriously never about “monetary contributions”, it’s always the completely undefined vague “contributions” with hospitals being a common example with many hidden caveats actually making them less a “contribution” and more a “detriment” to society.  And this is based, not on opinion, but the cold, hard fact that they are reducing charitable medical treatment by half, not to mention the many, many ways in which they can and do refuse care to people they disagree with.  And let’s also not forget that Catholic hospitals do half the charity work that public hospitals do AND they’re tax free, making their actual contribution significantly less, once you figure in the lost public funds.
So essentially, these claims are made out of ignorance by the ignorant, those who have a couple of facts here and there, but are ignorant of the fact that they are ignorant of the facts.  We don’t know what individual atheists or Christians contribute or what they contribute outside of their own interests, such as their church.  We only know what organizations contribute, and then only financially.  Christians are, by nature, more organized and they have much higher numbers, so of course they’re going to contribute more financially.  But whether those monetary contributions help or harm society, that’s a lot harder to look up.  Certainly it’s not a benefit to many members of society to refuse half of reproductive care, or to refuse to help transgender people.  It’s also hardly a benefit to society to simply replace effective, giving hospitals with less effective, less giving hospitals, all without explaining to patients what rights they are losing by going to those hospitals, patients being transferred to them without even being told there are options, or even differences, and making access to more comprehensive, secular care less available and further away.
Is it really “giving to society” to replace something as a means of making money and imposing your beliefs on others?  Is it really giving to society if you are actually eliminating half of the charity care?  Is it really giving to society if you eliminate the hospital which will serve your every need and replace it with one which will serve every need they don’t have a problem with?  Is reducing the availability of care, including charity care, really “giving” just because you provide half as much as what you’re replacing?  To me, that seems like “taking” from society.  They are taking choices, they are taking options, they are taking charity care away from society and giving back half as much.  If that’s the standard then sign me up to be the givingest person ever!  For every billion I take away from the American public I will give half a billion away!...to a business…which I own…which makes me money…and is tax free…and replaces a better business…  What can I say?  I’m a giver!
Have you ever noticed all the drug commercials on TV lately?  Why is it the side effects never include penile enlargement or super powers?
Side effects may include super powers or enlarged penis which may become permanent with continued use.  Stop taking Killatol immediately and consult your doctor if you experience penis enlargement of more than 3 inches, laser vision, superhuman strength, invulnerability, the ability to explode heads with your mind or time travel.  Killatoll is not for everyone, especially those who already have convertibles or vehicles of ridiculous size to supplement penis size.
RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
I don't molest children. I don't indoctrinate children into thinking the way I do just because I'm right. I don't condemn people of different faiths than I to eternal hellfire and torture. I am not bigoted against homosexuals or transgender people and I am certainly not racist or hateful in any way. I do not believe in beating kids to teach them a lesson. I do not believe in stoning people to death for some minor crime like adultery. I do not think a woman should be forced to have a baby that was given to her by her rapist. I do not believe that I can tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. I do not blindly support the death penalty. I do not believe there is a man talking to me from the sky.

How about you, christians?
“Love is the only bow on Life’s dark cloud. It is the morning and the evening star. It shines upon the babe, and sheds its radiance on the quiet tomb. It is the mother of art, inspirer of poet, patriot and philosopher.

It is the air and light of every heart – builder of every home, kindler of every fire on every hearth. It was the first to dream of immortality. It fills the world with melody – for music is the voice of love.

Love is the magician, the enchanter, that changes worthless things to Joy, and makes royal kings and queens of common clay. It is the perfume of that wondrous flower, the heart, and without that sacred passion, that divine swoon, we are less than beasts; but with it, earth is heaven, and we are gods.” - Robert. G. Ingersoll

RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
I always find the charity aspect a dodge. I'd rather directly support a charity than have just some of my money end up there, while the rest goes to god's overheads. It's like when zoos do a bit of (legally required) conservation work to make out that they're working in the interest of animals rather than exploiting them.

I don't judge anyone in advance by their religion, or lack of. They might do great things for society, or they might be a shit. I don't think general statements are worth much.
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RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
No I am sure Christians don't contribute to society more than atheists.
RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
I think it greatly depends on your notion of what is and is not "contributing to society".  To me, the ACLU "contributes to society" a shitload by standing up for people's rights regardless the issue.  The FFRF contributes to society's rights to not be religious.  The Church of Satan is even contributing to society by attempting to finally settle the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn issue once and for all.  I see these as contributions to society.  Defending the weak, standing up for the rights of the minority, ending the bickering, these are all good things.  I would doubt most Christians see it the same way, though.  As far as I know, even just most conservatives seem to hate the ACLU, but maybe that's just the religious conservatives I knew.

Catholics love to count Catholic hospitals as a contribution to society.  It's their go-to thing.  But in reality if you look it up you'll find story after story where they not only refused care, but didn't even give a patient the information.  In one such story a mother comes into the ER miscarrying and they send her home, even though the baby WILL die and there's a good chance it will kill her too.  Her life is less important to them than their dogma.  Not only do they not perform an abortion on a baby which will already die, they don't even tell her it's an option that someone else can do, or how much more dangerous it is for her to just go home when they discharge her.  They withhold important medical information from her because they don't like what that information says they should do, even though her life literally depends on it.  If a non-Catholic hospital did that there would be a malpractice suit and they WOULD lose.  But since it's a Catholic hospital they're entitled to certain malpractice which they will do, over and over, on purpose.  That is BULLSHIT!  That is not a contribution to society.  It is an attempt to take over.  It is selfish and self-serving.  It is for the church, not the people.
Have you ever noticed all the drug commercials on TV lately?  Why is it the side effects never include penile enlargement or super powers?
Side effects may include super powers or enlarged penis which may become permanent with continued use.  Stop taking Killatol immediately and consult your doctor if you experience penis enlargement of more than 3 inches, laser vision, superhuman strength, invulnerability, the ability to explode heads with your mind or time travel.  Killatoll is not for everyone, especially those who already have convertibles or vehicles of ridiculous size to supplement penis size.
RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
Catholic hospitals should be shut down.  They can keep the names if they like; St Fucktard of Bacteria's Hospital for example but doctors should be in charge not some fuckhead wearing a cross.
RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
(December 27, 2016 at 1:00 pm)Minimalist Wrote: Catholic hospitals should be shut down.  They can keep the names if they like; St Fucktard of Bacteria's Hospital for example but doctors should be in charge not some fuckhead wearing a cross.

Indeed. Even the Catholic group that calls themselves Catholics for Choice released a report on how Catholic-owned hospitals jeopardize health care. Here are some tidbits:

Between 2001 and 2016, the number of hospitals affiliated with the Catholic church increased by 22 percent. And how do you feel about your healthcare being guided by the bishops’ interpretation of the Catholic faith, guidelines mandating that health professionals and hospitals follow standards set by popes, bishops and Vatican councils, rather than by medical necessity or your own religious beliefs?

This situation often occurs with the blessing of the government, which often grants expansive refusal rights to Catholic hospitals allowing them to refuse to provide reproductive healthcare services.

Under the Directives, women who are patients at a Catholic hospital have:
• No access to abortion—even in cases of rape or incest (Directive 45)
• No ability to choose modern contraception, including sterilization (Directives 52, 53)
• Restrictions upon treatment for ectopic pregnancy (Directive 48)
• No access to in vitro fertilization (Directives 39, 40, 41); none of the benefits of embryonic stem cell research (Directive 51)
• No deference to their advanced medical directives (Directive 24)
• No access to emergency contraception (EC)

How Catholics actually murdered a woman:

In 2012, Savita Halappanavar was refused an abortion at an Irish hospital prior to an “inevitable spontaneous miscarriage,” despite evidence of a severe infection and her deteriorating condition.
Doctors waited until after the fetal heartbeat had stopped because, according to a medical consultant present, “As long as there is a fetal heartbeat, we can’t do anything.” Or, as a midwife explained, “because Ireland is a Catholic country.” After another 48 hours, Savita had a spontaneous miscarriage, but the delay proved fatal. She died of septic shock and E. coli one week after her admission.

teachings of the Bible are so muddled and self-contradictory that it was possible for Christians to happily burn heretics alive for five long centuries. It was even possible for the most venerated patriarchs of the Church, like St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, to conclude that heretics should be tortured (Augustine) or killed outright (Aquinas). Martin Luther and John Calvin advocated the wholesale murder of heretics, apostates, Jews, and witches. - Sam Harris, "Letter To A Christian Nation"
[Image: cool.gif][Image: cool.gif][Image: cool.gif][Image: cool.gif]
RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
If every Christian and every atheist were to make one contributory act to society (however we define it) every year, Christians would come out ahead by dint of sheer numbers. 

‘I can’t be having with this.’ - Esmeralda Weatherwax
RE: Do Christians really contribut to society more than atheists
I'd consider a new member necroing an 18 month dead thread for no good reason very suspicious behaviour. And then I looked at the poster's name. Troll alert.
Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Belli


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