I appreciate your answers.
You asserted that you lack the belief in "all gods". I just presented you the Pantheist's god which is the universe itself. For pantheist, god is another term to refer to the universe. You are claiming that universe cannot be god and these two cannot be unified. I assume this is your subjective opinion. This is a fact that the universe is considered as god in various beliefs.
As for your analogy, I suppose this is a false analogy. Unlike god, Atheism has a very clear definition and nobody would accept your definition " liking chocolate was being an atheist". But "god is the universe" is a valid definition of god, it might be different from the version of god that you have known, but that doesn't mean it's an unacceptable definition.
When you state "I do not believe in any gods" you are implying that you are aware of all gods and you deny their existence. But I just presented the pantheist's god which's existence cannot be negated.
Quote:All of them.Thank you.
Right, so, not a god..just "the universe".
Do you like chocolate? If I told you that liking chocolate was being an atheist...-that's just what I meant by the terms..would you then agree that you were also an atheist?
Welcome aboard. You talk good and everything.
You asserted that you lack the belief in "all gods". I just presented you the Pantheist's god which is the universe itself. For pantheist, god is another term to refer to the universe. You are claiming that universe cannot be god and these two cannot be unified. I assume this is your subjective opinion. This is a fact that the universe is considered as god in various beliefs.
As for your analogy, I suppose this is a false analogy. Unlike god, Atheism has a very clear definition and nobody would accept your definition " liking chocolate was being an atheist". But "god is the universe" is a valid definition of god, it might be different from the version of god that you have known, but that doesn't mean it's an unacceptable definition.
When you state "I do not believe in any gods" you are implying that you are aware of all gods and you deny their existence. But I just presented the pantheist's god which's existence cannot be negated.
Quote:Hi, welcome to the forum.Thank you! As I explained in my initial post, there are gods that clearly do exist. Like this definition of god: God is being. So the assertion that "I don't believe in being" is clearly non-sensical. So you must be more definite. "I don't believe in any gods" doesn't seem to work.
I don't believe in any gods.
Quote:Nor do we accept the universe or any of it's constituent parts to be any type of god(s).So my question remains, what exactly are those type of god(s) that the universe cannot fall into one of those categories? What exactly prevents the universe to be a god?
Quote:As far as pantheism, I of course believe the universe exists, I just don't happen to believe it is a god by any definition I am aware of."God is the universe itself" is a definition of god. I'm giving you the definition you do not need any other definitions of god, just consider god is another word to refer to the universe, so I assume you do believe in this god. What I'm asking from you is the definition of those gods in which you do not believe.
Quote:Welcome.Thank you :-) As I explained in my initial post, there are gods that clearly do exist. Like this definition of god: God is the existence itself. So the assertion that "existence does not exist" is clearly non-sensical. So you must be more definite. "I don't believe in any gods" doesn't seem to work.
For me no gods exist, never have, except in fantasy. In fantasy anyone can make the most ludicrous things exist.
Quote:I don't believe in any god that has such unusual properties or abilities that it would require positive evidence to justify believing in its existenceEverything requires evidences to believe in its existence. You are reading this sentence so you start believing I'm a human being typing these words. You can't believe in my existence without this evidence. Maybe I'm not getting what you mean?
Quote:when it is really the believer's responsibility and not mine to demonstrate that their specific brand of invisible friend is real.As an atheist (I assume you are an atheist since you answered my question) you are asserting that "I don't believe in god(s)". The burden is upon you to provide the definition for god, not anyone else. Otherwise you are denying the existence of something which you cannot define which is non-sensical.
Quote:Welcome matey...Thank you. That's what I'm asking. What are those things that an Atheist denies their existence?
Gods? What are they? They mustn't sell them here in Australia.