(July 13, 2019 at 7:59 am)NogbA Wrote: The matter is impossible to exist from nothing because matter is from energy and Second law of thermodynamics says that the energy is decreasing over time
and some day will be consumed. how can it then last eternity that was behind us
and the god chouldn't be made from matter because of that to and because he is the first cause.
Hello Nogba!

Uhm... no?
Matter and energy are interchangable states (Hence Einstein's E=MC2 thing).
Well, yes. The "Heat death of the universe" is one idea.
However then you also have the 'Big rip' hypothesis.
Basically reality will 'stretch' to such an extent that the 'Rest state' of subatomic particles will 'Shift'... Leading to a completley 'new' form of reality... Since the behavour of siad new energy state will create 'new' effects.
Not at work.