The Trouble with Islam Today-Irshad Manji
I truly believe that because the general public have become educated with respects to Islam, after all people can read, this religion is on a down word spiral in combination with all of the peripheral violence.associated with the religion of peace. But if you are interested in the atomic bomb of constructive knowledge, reading "The Trouble with Islam Today" by Irshad Manji is a must read. Ms. Manji was a refugee from Uganda,a devote Muslim and openly homosexual. She is considered a top Islamic scholar. I cannot detail every fact from her book, but a few important facts did emerge from the book that is worth mentioning. Did you know that while the Ottoman Empire controlled the areas now known as Israel, Jewish business men purchased large swaths of land from the Ottomans receiving a deed with a proper metes and bounds description? Regretfully undeveloped until some years later. Further, it was not Israel who forced the Palestinians to leave during the 1948 civil war, their neighbouring Arab friends all encouraged them to leave assuring the Palestinians that the civil war would be shortly crushed. The book goes and on with detailed facts debunking Islam and its tenants. This is not a Muslim bashing book, but a well organised book constructively written. A must read!
I truly believe that because the general public have become educated with respects to Islam, after all people can read, this religion is on a down word spiral in combination with all of the peripheral violence.associated with the religion of peace. But if you are interested in the atomic bomb of constructive knowledge, reading "The Trouble with Islam Today" by Irshad Manji is a must read. Ms. Manji was a refugee from Uganda,a devote Muslim and openly homosexual. She is considered a top Islamic scholar. I cannot detail every fact from her book, but a few important facts did emerge from the book that is worth mentioning. Did you know that while the Ottoman Empire controlled the areas now known as Israel, Jewish business men purchased large swaths of land from the Ottomans receiving a deed with a proper metes and bounds description? Regretfully undeveloped until some years later. Further, it was not Israel who forced the Palestinians to leave during the 1948 civil war, their neighbouring Arab friends all encouraged them to leave assuring the Palestinians that the civil war would be shortly crushed. The book goes and on with detailed facts debunking Islam and its tenants. This is not a Muslim bashing book, but a well organised book constructively written. A must read!