Quote:True, but he has said he will not legislate his opinion. He will leave abortion up to the states.
Oh man. I feel so relieved. For a minute there I thought he was against a womans individual right to do what she wanted with her womb. He is merely "personally" opposed to it, and would rather leave her individual choice up to the masses instead.
Quote:Minimum wage actually hurts consumers,
People making minimum wage are not consumers? Making LESS than minimum wage helps those minimum wage earning consumers?
Notice not a single mention of outraious CEO pays and bonuses hurting consumers. Only minimum wage.
Quote: it cause inflation to rise and prices to go north.
Exactly. Minimum wage is the biggest reasoin inflation is so bad in America. Not all of the corporate corruption and cronyism. Ron Paul supports only allowing corpoartions to have income tax credits.
Honestly...what makes prices go north? A handful of minimum wage workers, or a single corrupt corporate executive?
How is this talk any different from the GOP?
Quote: I think before all those government agencies you mentioned, the earth still spun on it's axis.
Absolutely. The Earth also spun on its axis quite well without capitalism.
Im a Libertarian as well. Left Libertarian Anarchist. Humans lived just fine in communes for thousands of years before concepts like "money" and "government" came around. We can still live just fine in them again.
Quote:Regardless of his intentions,
Everyone take note...the quote above is a BAD thing to say if you are trying to sell a politician.
Quote: the President is no king- he is simply 1 branch of government. To enact all of that, he'd have a hell of a fight with a mixed Congress.
So you are basically admiting that even if Ron Paul gets elected, not much will change. I say tear the entire system the fuck down, including money. Dont try to fix it. Dispose of it.
Quote:Fear Tactics. You are using Republican tactics, but you are a different side. More of the same is not what we need.
LMFAO, Im not on a "different side". Im not on any group's side. You want to know why I dont trust the fucker? Because he is a politician. No fear tactics are being used.
Not to mention he lines up more on the distasteful right side of American politics, which is all about war and exploitation. even though the man says he is against war, I dont trust him a single fucking moment. He will get into office, and he will go along with the corrupt money or they will kill him just like they killed Kennedy.
Quote:I've heard that charge before. I'll have to call B.S. on that.
Thats logical. Youve never heard of it before. Therefore it is Bullshit.
Quote:Just because he is opposed to something, doesn't mean he will actively seek to end something. He has already said that he is a pro-life, God beleiving Christian. But the last thing he wants is to instruct Americans on what or how to act.
that makes me feel so much better. Sort of like how he is personally opposed to abortion, but will not PERSONALLY oppose it. He will merely allow millions of people to make the choice that only an individual must make.
There is nothing in that man that I can support as a leader over me. Personally I consider him an authoritarian douche bag.
Quote:he cannot be bought like all the other politicians
you expect me to believe that?