(April 1, 2016 at 9:36 pm)Heat Wrote: Great, let's.
[quote='Heat' pid='1234395' dateline='1459235858']
The funniest part is that I didn't even know what political correctness was until I was accused of willingly and purposely doing it on this forum a couple months ago.
And after learning what it means, I still really don't give a shit. It's still just an empty phrase used to avoid expressing what one really thinks.

"Me thinks she doth protest too much"
One man's PC is another man's 'over generalizing' sport!
Quote:Oh just like you objectively read the bible?absolutely! I have spent the last 20+ years studying all religion (primarily the bible) but have not ignored any chances to study any other religions with people who didn't mind sharing their knoweledge of their faiths. As such I feel I have an objective/non religious view of not only christianity but several other religions including islam.
Quote:The problem is that if you objectively read the bible you would be an atheist.O-M-Glob

How can you be this stupid..

and still yet be so arrogant??

If one objectively does anything they will not come to a given outcome, that is called subjection. If one subjectively reads a book then he will come to your pre planned point (atheism) If one objectivly reads the bible the out come is not certain either way!
Quote:So just like you hold biases about the good in your religion, so do muslims.Your a key word idiot. You don't actually read what is written you look for 'key words' check my faith status and build an arguement based on your position vs my position and how the two generally use those words.
If you had taken the time to read what I wrote you would have noted I suggested to read the koran for one reason, and it had nothing to do with the christian nor islamic position on anything. It was so ignorant people such as yourself would not have to depend on liberal media outlets to understand the stated goals of islam.
As per their holy book. And as the sunni's are literalists (when it suits them) if their book says jump they jump. Meaning 95% of the time you will truly know where the majority of islam stands.
Yet, you go off on a bias tirade as if it were topical, wonder why someone would do that.. oh, that's right you were looking for key words and not a topical discussion.
Quote:Also the fact that you think there is only one interpretation of Islam shocks me.Hey stupid, the reading of the koran is not to debate christians or muslims!!! IT IS TO REFUTE WHAT THE LIBERAL MEDIA CLAIMS ABOUT ISLAM!!!
So when the media claims it is a religion of peace at it's core you CAN know that statement to be only true when Islam is the only religion being practiced, or they have infiltrated a community!
That the Koran otherwise only frowns on violence of any kind on practitioners of said religion. EVERYONE ELSE IS Subject to the blade given the right circumstance!
As far as debating muslims 90% of the world's population believes what I just pointed out because that is what a direct reading tells them. As such, that is why Sunni's are waging jihad on the west and even other sects of islam (The other 10% of what they consider to be luke warm muslims)
That in mind, Who gives two squirts about the non violent 10%ers have to say when 90% of 1.6 billion muslims in the world believe in a sunni reading of their holy book that allows them to kill anyone who apposes their God and their specific worship of him?
Quote: Do you believe in "an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth"? Do you believe in stoning your neighbor for working on the sabbath? No? You don't take your entire book literally?Do you not understand that 'my book' represents two completely different religions? Not sects of one religion, but two totally separate religions all together?
The reason I do not hold those commands is because I am not an Old testament jew. Even New testament Jews do not hold those commands.
Quote:Then how are you making an assumption that ALL Muslims can't do the same. Just like you can, Muslims can pick and choose what they believe.Ah, no. Sunni Muslims can not. Sunni Muslims are at the point in their religious evolution that the christian church was in the dark ages. They can not pick and choose what they believe or they are cut out of their sect like a cancer and can literally be stoned/killed in accordance with shira law. Again, who are the sunnis? they are 90% of all of Islam.
Quote:There are plenty of things in the Koran promoting peace, and many Muslims hold those sections with higher importance than the ones preaching hate, same as you do.See this is what a stupid person believes. this is what a moron who has never owned, let alone studied, or even read a copy of the Koran believes. This is a statement made by an idiot who gets everything he knows from the news and other liberal media outlets.
The Koran promotes true peace only among muslims. It promotes peace among foreigners when a muslim is actively trying to convert someone, or they are trying to move into a region and out breed the current regions native population. But the very same muslims who believe in this tentative peace also hold fast to other muslims right/call to jihad. That is why you will never see a sunni truly denounce what other muslims do in Jihad for Allah.
Quote:Are you really that fucking stupid that you think all Muslims are in with each other under this conspiracy to lie about truly believing that outsiders should be persecuted?Read the Koran you moron! It's not a conspiracy It is a COMMAND FROM THEIR GOD! Not an interpretation, but a spelled out direct "thou shalt lie or even sin anyway you need to to avoid persecution" The practice is called Taqiya
Surah 16:106
Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment;
It only sounds like I'm over generalizing/not being PC because you don't have minimally basic understanding of islam is any real way shape or form. You think because I am speaking negitivly I am wrongly accusing the whole for the acts of a few. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am point out to a fundemental command that allows for "immoral" (by the religion's own standard) behavior in this religion.
Your problem is you do not believe islam would allow for hyprocrisy. It does. This practice has been expounded upon in the practice of Taqiya.
Drich Wrote:Now that said take the same race/country person out of Islam and place them in Christianity, they become an open book.
So then why not stop bringing in Muslims from those regions and bring in Christians from those very regions who have been mandated to assimilate into the various cultures? Over 1 million Christians are being held in camps outside of Syria and not welcome anywhere in that region because of their faith, but we don't want fate to befall muslims.. Why not? Oh, that's right it's not PC. 'we' want to help people, just so long as they are not Christian.
Quote:Don't know what any of that even fucking means.
You're saying that MODERN WESTERN CULTURE would rather accept MUSLIMS OVER CHRISTIANS?
You've got to be out of your god damn fucken mind buddy.
It's like you speak and think in pre programmed sound bites.
Try and put your general ignorance aside for a moment.
Seperate the people in the middle east into race and religion. for the most part one race, two religions.
Their is an active genocidal war being waged not against race but of people of the wrong religion. That wrong religion is any or even no religious belief other than the Sunni Practice of Islam. So why would we leave people in a region who are being exterminated because of their religion, and give their potential migration 'spot' to someone who up holds the values of the ones doing the extermination? Who at any moment could be 'called' to turn from their active task of converting or breeding to Jihad?
Especially when their are over a million Christians in harms way (Eg the Easter bombing of a childrens amusement park)
Quote:Do I care who it is?I wish I could afford to send people like you over there to sell your message of peace on the front line and if you survive come back and tell your 'friends' what the real world is like.
No. We should accept all people.
Quote:I'm PC for believing we shouldn't discriminate because of religion, of course. What the fuck am I not "PC" for now adays.
PC used to mean you were trying to appease popular consensus and general "moral" standards and opinions, for what was considered politically correct. Well tell me chuck, if almost everyone on this thread is disagreeing with my position then who the fuck am I trying to appease?
hows about the rest of the far left liberal douche bags who support everything you just said.