I sold a property in March. The couple who bought it said they were going to buy straight cash as they were awaiting an insurance claim check to arrive. They signed a contract, put down incentive money and the wait began. They defaulted. I claimed the incentive money while they claimed they did get the settlement check , but it was the wrong amount and so it had to go back to the insurance company to be reissued. And due to the number of claims on companies in that area due to property damage from storm season, it would mean that check goes to the bottom of the pile and works it's way to the top.
So, they signed an extension that I agreed to and put down more incentive money which meant that and the contract held the property as one that was, "Under Contract", while the FOR SALE sign remained in place in the event anyone drove by and wanted the lot they could put their name in and in the event the sale didn't go through we could call them.
Turns out this couple are lying sacks of trash! Last month I decided to contact the insurance commissioner in that State and ask them the procedure for claims checks via/ insurance settlements.
Even upon an error in the settlement check amount, the attorney for this couple was obligated to return it to the company, as he did, and follow up to insure that company was in keeping with that 10 day window. Which his lazy ass clearly did NOT! Else, he was to report the company to the insurance commissioners office for violation of the reg's that allow that company to practice in that State and the IC would pursue the matter and penalties that are afforded violation.
But nooooooo!
Instead, I who give everyone I meet the benefit of the doubt being honorable decent people until they prove me wrong had, before making that call to the insurance commissioner, thought it was all true.
And since this couple had been in a serious car accident, with their two children in the car at the time, and they saw my land as a chance for a new start and a step up out of their present situation once they got the money, I swallowed the lie never thinking it was so, and let them have that extension.
Now, they've lied to me and kept me on a hook since March. And my Realtor, who's worked hard to sell this land, is not going to get their commission and now this couple have the balls to say they're not going to sign off on the incentive money that is rightfully mine when they breach, due to liquid damages I've incurred, not punitive so that I can then sue them if I choose to for further distress, I have to fill out more paperwork pursuing the award of that money to myself and go through the courts. Which takes another 90 days! So in total this lying couple of assholes have kept me and my agent on the hook for 7 months! As if they can get away with that lying bullshit for free! Take their incentive deposit back, that they are suppose to lose for breach of contract, and move on to go fuck someone else who's got land for sale.
They must think it's white boy day!
It's not white boy day is it?
No, it's not white boy day!
Then again, on the bright side, because I look for those, a low life lying bunch of assholes like that, who really irk me because they're parents to two children for whom they are the role models exampling this dishonorable behavior, which means two copies of these adult assholes are destined to arrive in future, wouldn't respect the property in the first place.
So it's a good thing in the long run, after the hurdles of bullshit I have to clear, that this property is now back on the market and my agent has numbers they can contact of people who were interested months ago, to see if they want the land now. And hopefully someone who will appreciate a ready to occupy parcel will build to suit or install a modular home and live a long and happy life having the pride of money well spent.
And when that happens, the eternal optimist I say that now, I'll be able to delete this post and the cause to bitch that I've decided to entertain, will be no more.
Oh, that's right, I can't do that. I have to contact a Mod. or Admin. and explain myself and ask that they delete this post.
Why? Because a minority number of low life yellow gutless delete happy assholes on board, who can talk shit but lack the stones to face the shit that hits the fan in reply, delete their posts so as to confuse a thread and muck up the board with confusion and query like; what the hell happened to _________________'s post? I was going to respond to that!
So because of a pack of low life minority number of gutless post apes, WE the entire membership are penalized so as to make delete impossible and edit after 20 minutes impossible too.
When it's those few gutless assholes who should be restricted to limited posting privilege!
NOT the whole membership.
Those few can be found out by looking at the forum log. After all, it was ascertained by Admin. that this issue of deleting posts and editing so as to change context of a post and make any replies nonsensical, was detected in some way in the first place so as to deem this new policy necessary in response to those few acts.
Why can't those who are responsible for that behavior have their posting privileges restricted member by member, and the rest of us who respect the posting guidelines respected in return by not being penalized for the asshole acts of a few bad apples?
Now, I admit I've deleted a post or two in my time here. However, that's because I was either too busy or too damn lazy to hit the "PREVIEW POST" button first so as to proof read before committal. And so after I "POST" the reply that's when I find so many syntax, context and other errors that to fix those in the time allowed for editing, before the new policy ensued, bruised my ego to have that edit message beside my name on that post. "This post was last edited by, "idiot with a posting penchant but not a proof reading one" at ___________" long minutes after the initial post.
However, I have ALWAYS reposted the corrected post or thread, after I edited those few that were so fucked up for the aforementioned ego reasons. Always!
So to those few delete happy post ape assholes, and you know who you are and sad thing is so do the Admin., FUCK YOU AND THE SLUG YOU RODE IN ON!
None of us should have to suffer for the cowardice you demonstrate when you can talk shit but can't face the music after!
If you are this gutless in font speak, how transparently ball-less are you in real life face to face?
You're so yellow that the lines show under a black shirt! You'd be confused on a dark night for the no passing zone paint job running down dead center of an interstate.
If you can talk shit face shit!
Meanwhile the rest of us are relegated to the privilege of posting, editing, deleting upon request after we make a good case for that request to an Admin. because of you. When the Admin came up with this policy doing the best they can trying to combat a few idiot bags on board, who need to be restricted in posting privilege, suspended for repeat offense or banned outright all together, so that the former posting privileges are reinstated so that those of us who follow the posting rules don't have to suffer because of the few assholes who aren't here to have a decent conversation in the first place, they're here to stir shit! And this new policy is their latest feather in the cap that squeezes their tiny head.
![[Image: fu%20boy.gif]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=freeemoticonsandsmileys.com%2Fanimated%2520emoticons%2FFunny%2520Animated%2520Emoticons%2Ffu%2520boy.gif)
You keyboard jockey gutless trash punk asses!
You can't walk your talk, you'll always be crippled by your betters. And those happen to be the majority of membership on this forum. So learn now what you're too gutless to face, because when you grow up and slug out of your parents basement, the real world awaits. And no one out there bows to accommodate your deficits that you demonstrate on these forums. You'll make your way, or you'll go along to get along because you don't have the stones to be a man or woman and back your play. In which case, bring a body bag when you pack and move out of the parents house. Because the world will kick your yellow ass and that sack will be the only transport you can afford so as to hide and once again save face. But no matter, everyone will know what it is inside. Gutless, in a sack!
Like now, right here in these forums. Only you're at the infancy stage prior to arrival at that status. Now you're simply gutless on board!
/end of pissed off and posting too rant
You're right Kayenneh, that does feel better.

Ahhhhh! Lovely. I'll have a cup of jasmine tea now and smile knowing with a deep sense of satisfaction that while I can be a total asshole and fuck tard, as if that's news to anyone here, at times, at least I'm not a delete-a-post-gutless-forum-ape!
It's a good day. It's Monday and the week is young and the sun is shining and all is well with my world now that I've vented the garbage!