In nature the small merge into the big.
A drop of water will sooner or later merge into the creek.
The creek will merge into the river and the river will merge into the big ocean.
A cell is composed of matter and consciousness.
This consciousness can be tiny as much as you want but nevertheless there is a minute tiny amount of consciousness.
When we eat we absorb these cells.
The physical side of these cells build our body but what happen to the consciousness side of the cells?
Will it die or will enter or better say merge into our bigger consciousness?
According an Atheist point of view when the body die also the consciousness die so there is nothing left there other than
the physical side that build up our body.
Does this belief make any sense?
If it does make sense than why carnivorous people are more aggressive while vegetarians are more relaxed?
It seems that what we eat determine the way we act and think and therefore make sense to say that the consciousness of the
cells in the food that we are eating merge into our consciousness.
If we follow this line of thinking then we also have to consider what happen when our body die.
Will our consciousness die when our body die or will carry on and merge into what our feelings wish to take us?
Why would our consciousness die when as we can see in nature nothing die?
The small always merge into the big so to me it is totally UNSCIENTIFIC to say that with the physical death everything die.
A drop of water will sooner or later merge into the creek.
The creek will merge into the river and the river will merge into the big ocean.
A cell is composed of matter and consciousness.
This consciousness can be tiny as much as you want but nevertheless there is a minute tiny amount of consciousness.
When we eat we absorb these cells.
The physical side of these cells build our body but what happen to the consciousness side of the cells?
Will it die or will enter or better say merge into our bigger consciousness?
According an Atheist point of view when the body die also the consciousness die so there is nothing left there other than
the physical side that build up our body.
Does this belief make any sense?
If it does make sense than why carnivorous people are more aggressive while vegetarians are more relaxed?
It seems that what we eat determine the way we act and think and therefore make sense to say that the consciousness of the
cells in the food that we are eating merge into our consciousness.
If we follow this line of thinking then we also have to consider what happen when our body die.
Will our consciousness die when our body die or will carry on and merge into what our feelings wish to take us?
Why would our consciousness die when as we can see in nature nothing die?
The small always merge into the big so to me it is totally UNSCIENTIFIC to say that with the physical death everything die.