Dr fuzzy, the Darby story is very popular but is false.
Notable Christians from history believed and wrote about the Rapture, long before Darby came along.
Their understanding is based on a few scriptures, such as:
"Because you have kept the word of My patience- I will keep you FROM (eck- out of) the hour of testing that is coming upon the whole world." (book of Revelation).
"Beloved, we shall not all sleep (die)- at the last trump, the dead in Christ will rise first, then we which remain shall be caught up with them in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord".
We also have direct revelation to contemporary prophetic people attesting to the event soon to be.
Those who reject the Catching Away will (because they reject the words of God) likely be here to experience that unprecedented time of testing.
It is a very wise thing, to set aside one's pride and pray the God of Heaven receive the truth about this.
Dyre, you do not understand the futility of thinking natural people can have the slightest effect on supernatural beings- all of whom having a Resurrection body as Jesus currently has.
Picture Superman and no kryptonite around. Get the idea?
Armageddon will be the biggest wipe out of man's efforts ever seen.
Notable Christians from history believed and wrote about the Rapture, long before Darby came along.
Their understanding is based on a few scriptures, such as:
"Because you have kept the word of My patience- I will keep you FROM (eck- out of) the hour of testing that is coming upon the whole world." (book of Revelation).
"Beloved, we shall not all sleep (die)- at the last trump, the dead in Christ will rise first, then we which remain shall be caught up with them in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord".
We also have direct revelation to contemporary prophetic people attesting to the event soon to be.
Those who reject the Catching Away will (because they reject the words of God) likely be here to experience that unprecedented time of testing.
It is a very wise thing, to set aside one's pride and pray the God of Heaven receive the truth about this.
Dyre, you do not understand the futility of thinking natural people can have the slightest effect on supernatural beings- all of whom having a Resurrection body as Jesus currently has.
Picture Superman and no kryptonite around. Get the idea?
Armageddon will be the biggest wipe out of man's efforts ever seen.