(January 27, 2016 at 12:04 pm)TrueChristian Wrote: ^ Sorry fellow Christian. But morals are more elastic/changing than you would think. And a strong-judeo Christian value system has not kept values stable.
Perhaps you misunderstand the meaning of the word 'moral'. Morality is man's version of God's righteousness/perfect standard. To be 'moral' is to hold to what YOU think is right but at the same time allowing for sins you think are acceptable.
I at no point hold the view that Christian morality is any better than pop morality. it's a joke which is why (in part) I am having this discussion.
Quote:They change based on people's advancement and growing experinece, not so much the words of the bible.
Christians today embrace secularism of a sort by saying slavery is evil ( allowed in NT) and by saying Jews are worthy of respect (Jews as a people are repeatedly denounced in Acts and letters of NT.)
The "basic constants" of don't rape, don't steal and don't kill have been held by all people for all times (to other people in the society that is) and religious people have always been able to find justifications for the above. See the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs.
Again, all valid points however I would point to the evil that these Christians were willing to accept in their 'morality' for the rapes and murders of conquered people rather than experience or need for any type of evolution. the only time we need to evolve our 'morality' is when our hunger for evil is no longer satisfied by the current 'moral standard.'
Quote:Oh, and as to the totalitarian societies you referenced? They do not hold for "pop morality" and have the opposite of the humanist "live and let live" philosophy
Actually sport, they do if you hold to the definition I provide in the OP, and do not try and substitute your own.
Again just so their's no confusion. Pop morality is what a given people (Here, North Korea, Germany, Syria) in a given generation (1890's, 1990's, 1940, now) define as what is right and what is wrong.
Example the live and let live (for the sake of argument) defines pop morality for this generation in western countries. Kill all Indians was the moral obligation of the people in our western territories in the 1890's. Kill all Jews was the Moral obligation of Hitler's german citizens.
Do you get it now? Pop morality defines what it popular to a given people in a given time period.
Quote:All of them were deeply religious societies (thouhg only one promotes a theistic religion.). In North Korea, the Kim family are almost worshipped as gods,
not almost, they are God.
Quote:their status almost similar to that of the pre WW2 Japanese emperor, or the "mandate from heaven" Chinese emperors.
It's not just statues.. Think Catholicism and all of the different wall hanging, shrines, buttons, pins, candles, Minnie home shrines, and all of the other religious tchotchkes the church promotes that 'brings people closer to their god. the same is true there. Either way, that does not change anything because This is how the majority want to live. We know this because when a Kim dies the whole country mourns and laments for weeks. which still means that what they see and right and wrong is still considered 'pop morality' "North Korea style"
Quote:The Nazis similarly held they had the "Absolute" truth, and did not tolerate any dissent. They tolerate churches and Christians when they went along with them, and killed/jailed christians who dared contradict them.
The term Hitler used was 'positive Christianity.'
Very early on Germany cut ties from the church/Vatican because it was planning to change the direction of it's 'morality' radically and needed to take out God's word/any absolute that would contradict their version of Nazi 'pop morality.'
Quote:So.... the societies you mentioned had a defiicit of "pop morality" rather than an excess 
Again, the countries I mentioned morality WAS POP MORALITY!
With that in mind I ask the question If one simply abides by the rules of pop morality when ever where ever he is born, then what keeps them from being a death camp Nazi? A North Korean solider? A Cowboy who slaughters Indians???
Then I ask with your acceptance of current 'live and let live' Western version of pop morality How do you know you are not as bad if not worse than the Nazis or ISIS soldiers I mentioned?
Any one who relys on 'morality' as their only standard of right and wrong can be manipulated into any evil society wants to be apart of.. Now again think the Nazi's were a society, ISIS is a society, We are also a society, so what separates us from them when you remove God?