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Christian answering questions too!
RE: Christian answering questions too!
In other words, just use another color.
A Christian told me: if you were saved you cant lose your salvation. you're sealed with the Holy Ghost

I replied: Can I refuse? Because I find the entire concept of vicarious blood sacrifice atonement to be morally abhorrent, the concept of holding flawed creatures permanently accountable for social misbehaviors and thought crimes to be morally abhorrent, and the concept of calling something "free" when it comes with the strings of subjugation and obedience perhaps the most morally abhorrent of all... and that's without even going into the history of justifying genocide, slavery, rape, misogyny, religious intolerance, and suppression of free speech which has been attributed by your own scriptures to your deity. I want a refund. I would burn happily rather than serve the monster you profess to love.

RE: Christian answering questions too!
And not green.

Not because it's the mod color. Just don't use turtle green because I'M the turtle here.

Don't use actual mod tags and you'll be fine TBH
Christian answering questions too!
Use blue. Blue is my favorite color. [emoji1]
Nay_Sayer: “Nothing is impossible if you dream big enough, or in this case, nothing is impossible if you use a barrel of KY Jelly and a miniature horse.”

Wiser words were never spoken. 
RE: Christian answering questions too!
(May 9, 2016 at 9:22 pm)Whateverist the White Wrote: But do stop using red right away.  That is for admins only and I'm pretty sure you have to be a mod first.  Not that you couldn't become a mod or admin.  We've had theist admin before.  No reason it couldn't happen again.  But you know, don't jump the gun.

Administrator Notice

Nah it's fine unless you do it like this. In that case, not even god will save you.
RE: Christian answering questions too!
(May 9, 2016 at 9:22 pm)Whateverist the White Wrote: But do stop using red right away.  That is for admins only and I'm pretty sure you have to be a mod first.  Not that you couldn't become a mod or admin.  We've had theist admin before.  No reason it couldn't happen again.  But you know, don't jump the gun.

Thank you for the tip, I shall attempt to edit it promptly!

It appears I cannot find the edit function, so I beseech everyone to excuse my ignorance. In my defense I have been working since last Thursday without a break and am about to fall asleep in my Cheerios.

I will endeavor to do better in the future, don't give up on me forum!
RE: Christian answering questions too!
How can you justify ignoring important historical findings? The catalyst that led me to leave Christianity was in learning more about historical findings in the Levant. The lie perpetuated by Apologetics is that "there is historical doubt" or "insufficient historical information" about history and the Bible. But that is just not true at all. For example, several cities are mentioned by name in the book of Joshua as being conquered by the Israelites in the Conquest of Canaan. For this account to be true, at a minimum all those cities had to have been occupied by citizens at the same time in the late Bronze Age. Furthermore there would need to be evidence of said conquest in each of the cities. Archaeologists have been examining these City-states for two hundred years now, and they have made solid findings. Many of them were not occupied in the late Bronze Age - some of them had been conquered long before, and others had been abandoned without any signs of conflict.

The archaeological record shows that the ancient Israelite people were indigenous to the lands, and that they started spreading over the northern part of the Levant in the 9th century BC without any signs of conflict. The kingdom of Judah emerged in the south of the Levant in the 8th century BC, and also in the 8th century, the Neo-Assyrian Empire completely destroyed the kingdom of Israel, which in-turn created a whole nation of refugees who fled to the south and found safety in the Kingdom of Judah.

Finally, after all of this has happened, Judaism as a religion based on the text of the Pentateuch appears. Meaning the Pentateuch is probably written down from the 8th or 7th century BC. It's not written all at once, a fact that is well attested to by modern Hebrew text scholars, who find that it was written and expanded upon over time (likely time period being anywhere from one century to several centuries). And it's a clear-cut example of true mythology 101. Interestingly, most people are ignorant over what "mythology" means, it doesn't mean that someone invented any part of the Pentateuch, it means that the shared beliefs of the culture emerged organically.
For Religion & Health see:[/b][/size] Williams & Sternthal. (2007). Spirituality, religion and health: Evidence and research directions. Med. J. Aust., 186(10), S47-S50. -LINK

The WIN/Gallup End of Year Survey 2013 found the US was perceived to be the greatest threat to world peace by a huge margin, with 24% of respondents fearful of the US followed by: 8% for Pakistan, and 6% for China. This was followed by 5% each for: Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, North Korea. -LINK

"That's disgusting. There were clean athletes out there that have had their whole careers ruined by people like Lance Armstrong who just bended thoughts to fit their circumstances. He didn't look up cheating because he wanted to stop, he wanted to justify what he was doing and to keep that continuing on." - Nicole Cooke
RE: Christian answering questions too!
(May 9, 2016 at 11:20 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote:
(May 9, 2016 at 9:22 pm)Whateverist the White Wrote: But do stop using red right away.  That is for admins only and I'm pretty sure you have to be a mod first.  Not that you couldn't become a mod or admin.  We've had theist admin before.  No reason it couldn't happen again.  But you know, don't jump the gun.

Thank you for the tip, I shall attempt to edit it promptly!

It appears I cannot find the edit function, so I beseech everyone to excuse my ignorance.  In my defense I have been working since last Thursday without a break and am about to fall asleep in my Cheerios.

I will endeavor to do better in the future, don't give up on me forum!

I believe once someone quotes you, you can't edit a post.

Some observations on your reply to Pocaras, first I am not aware of god's existence, primarily due to a lack of evidence.
Second, the heart has nothing to do with feelings, it is a sophistcated pump nothing more.
Third, have you really examined other religions, or have you simply looked at them through the prism of your christan prejudices (don't worry, we all have our prejudices)?
Fourth, even in context, the bible is massively contradictory. It has two creation stories which contradict in massive ways.
And finally, on your belief that you'd have converted christian even in places like Indonesia, you are aware that most muslim countries proacribe the death penalty for apostasy from islam, right? The simple fact of the matter is that religious beliefs are a constituent part of the memeplex that makes up the culture you were brought up in, and you're (generic you) are very likely to spend significant time believing the dominant religion of thatculture, and if you change religion, it is most likely going to be a change to a one similar to the first, or the dominant religion of a culture which has come to dominate your own (either peacefully or forcefully).
Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Belli

RE: Christian answering questions too!
(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote:
(May 4, 2016 at 11:18 am)pocaracas Wrote: Page 7 questions remain sans answers....
First, thank you for the questions!  All 3 were insightful and well presented.  This is partly what I was looking for in coming to the AF.  I needed some time to read and discern the authors intent, ha!  My time is limited it has taken me this long to get back to you; and it is still a work in progress.  Here’s what I came up with…

Forgive my use of red ink and not using the quote function.  I will try and suck less in the future.

Wink I only did as requested...

As for the red... do newcomers still get the default crappy word-like text editor when posting?
Go in your "user CP", then "edit options" (or use this link: http://atheistforums.org/usercp.php?action=options) and on the bottom right, you should have the option "Put the editor in source mode by default". Tick that box and you'll have access to the "source mode" editor, where you use the normal BBcode tags to take charge of quotes and colors. It will make it possible (at least, easier) to split quotes and answer for each bit in a quote.

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: Welcome PETE!
I can ask a few questions...
1. Why is belief a requirement?  A belief alone is not a requirement for salvation.  Even Satan and the demons are aware God exists.  Believing is felt in the heart (not a scrap of knowledge held within the mind).  Romans 10:10 “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness”. 
A more encompassing question might be:  Why are there any requirements?  Answer:  Love.  Love can only be given; it cannot be coerced or taken by force.  It must be given freely from one to another, and that is not to say it is reciprocal.  Just because you love a person does not mean that love is returned.  God desires our love and a relationship with each of us, but it must come freely.  God will not force Himself on us.  It is entirely plausible that one could analyze the information at hand, determine it to be true, and still inform God that they are not interested.  I will readily admit I was a reluctant Christian.  An existence free from rules, laws, and eternal justice sure appealed to me better than anything that would place restrictions on me.    
I'm always struck at the circular reasoning...
I asked why belief is a requirement, and you gave me a reply that presupposes the existence of the God which is contingent upon that belief.

Belief is a requirement to acknowledge any part of the myth. Why is that?

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 1.1. Why believe in stories written long ago, in a time and place; by different religious and mythological beliefs?  One would not believe anything based on the metric that they were written long ago, in a time and place…
Why do I believe the Bible?  I have studied it and found it to hold truth.  I do not see where science and the bible contradict one another.  To the contrary, I see them complementing each other. 
On the surface the bible can appear to be contradictory and hard to accept; especially when taken out of context.  As the bible is studied, and one uses the Word itself to define and put into context the passages, it truly brings clarity and resonance to the reader of the authors’ intent.  This takes time!  Unless you are TheRocketSurgeon, who I am positive never had to study a day in school and made straight A’s.  I wish I commanded that level of understanding.
Well, I, for one, never studied any bible, I can't point to any verse, nor do I care to. The same applies to the Qur'an, the Vedas, and the old Norse tales, as well as the Aztec Quetzalcoatl and companion deities... I think you get the picture: all myths stand at the same level.
As for the truth in the bible in particular... meh Tongue
How do you ascertain its trustworthiness? (unless you mean to say that you previously accepted the premise that God and its accompanying magical powers are real... which brings us back to the belief question... and round and round we go...)

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 1.2. Why is your belief biased by your upbringing?  If I said this it is because I was initially exposed to Christianity and not some other religion.  I may have had an initial bend toward it but that’s definitely not why I am a Christian today.  What I was subjected to growing up is on par with many of the poor examples of “religion” many here lament from their past, and present experiences. 
Still.... christianity... from where I stand, a form of christianity is the same as any other: belief in the magical sky daddy, who got a sky son who had to be killed by humans to, somehow, atone for wrongdoings by those humans towards the sky daddy.
Tell me, is the story not the same in all christianities?

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 1.2.1. Had you been raised in China, or Indonesia.... do you think you'd come to hold the same belief you do now? why?  Absolutely!  As I aged and started looking into the big questions for myself:  Why am I here?  Where did we come from?  What is the meaning of life?  Is there a God?   What happens when my children die? (I use children as we are all too often ready to sacrifice ourselves or write our eternity off, not so easy when we think how this applies to our precious children)  None of the other “religions” could answer all of these questions in a coherent manner.  All other major religions were deeply flawed upon examination. 
Christianity makes some bold claims, and at times some aspects can be difficult to agree with.  However a disagreement with something that is found to be true and authentic does not render it invalid.
 I readily admit that I do not comprehend His motivation or actions in some cases; however I do fully accept it as truth.   Some profess they could not love or serve a being that does some of the things the Christian God has done.  This I fully understand.    
Now, now... those are some grandiose statements about christianity.
I've heard the same thing be said of Islam. Had you been born within an islamic backdrop, you'd probably (probably!!, not for sure, but most likely) say the same, but concerning that other religion.
You see, we are conditioned since pretty much birth to accommodate the underlying belief system in the society we are brought up.
Luckily, our current western society allows for an easy escape from such conditioning. That is not the case in many parts of the world.
Around here (Europe), you can say you don't believe any god exists, and no one will bat an eye.
In Indonesia, however.... I wouldn't be so sure...

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 1.3. How much of belief is a psychological crutch?  For many a huge one!  That is not to say a belief is valid or invalid.  Many nontheists and atheists would use disbelief in a God as a crutch for what enables them to live free unencumbered lives. 
Disbelief as a way to rape and pillage as much as I want? Seriously? You think this?

I'll let Penn explain:

[Image: wpid-img_20150119_212728.jpg]

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 1.3.1. Is religious belief more than a psychological state? If not, then how do you explain all religious beliefs that mankind has held throughout the ages?    Yes, the intent is far deeper than a mere state of mind.  Being a good Catholic, Muslim, or Buddhist is eternally worthless.  Having a religious belief, or any belief for that matter, can only serve you in this life.  People have used different beliefs to justify and accomplish all manner of ends throughout history.
For many, their faith is the lens through which they view the world.  Viewing the world through a relationship with Christ has provided me with the answers to the questions I had. 
Would you say that this... prism through which you view the world can be a mere psychological function?
Your mind assumes something (not necessarily something true) and runs with it. The end result is unfalsifiable, so you accept it as answering your questions.
Other equally valid answers may be attainable, but your preconception of the divine realm got you stuck on those answers that you like...

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 1.3.2. What do you say to the possibility that belief became a desired trait in societies, thus became evolutionary selected in?... but it hasn't been around for enough time to clear out all the non-believing individuals... and is a trait now in decline...  To this possibility I say …wait for it…meh!
Seriously, I had a very long answer drafted but this seemed much more fun and I wanted to bring a little snark myself.  That’s right you heathens (term of endearment!!!), Christians can be snarky too!
Here I thought you guys were all like the priests... all stuck up and pompous! Tongue

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 2. Are you aware of the Essenes?  Yes.
2.1. What do you say of the possibility that the historical Jesus was an Essene?  I would say he exhibited some of the same beliefs that are associated with the third major denomination of Judaism at the time.
2.2. Why, would you say, are the Essenes never mentioned in the bible? They were located in the proverbial "road to Damascus", after all...  I have asked the same question.  The Sadducees and Pharisees made up the Sanhedrin.  It appears the Essenes were not represented within their ranks.   
Indeed they weren't... kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?
The one figure in christianity, the main character in the book, shares some traits with the third major denomination of Judaism at the time (more than with the other two denominations, right?)... and that denomination gets no mention in that same book.
Why would that happen?
What sense does that make?

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: 3. Why the KJV? Why not something better, like the Vulgate? If you want to go sola scriptura, you should go for the purest, closest to the original possible text.... at least, that's what I would go for. I'm not very fond of the result of the broken telephone game (chinese whispers?).  I also read the Holman Christian Standard Bible or HCSB.  However I do like the prose and flow of the KJV.  I only wish I could read the original texts.  I would struggle with attempting to translate the words and I am too old to learn a new language.
Foreign languages are a problem...
It's like the deity responsible for the Tower of Babel problem didn't think it through...

(May 9, 2016 at 7:47 pm)PETE_ROSE Wrote: I hope this was insightful.  I wish I had the recall and command of the scriptures as many here at the AF enjoy.  The irony that many atheists possess a much deeper working knowledge of Gods revelation to us is not lost on me.  I thoroughly enjoyed some homework and getting into the scriptures for myself. 

 Good day to you sir and thank you again!

Enjoy your next homework! Wink

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