It seems the Mormon Church is on a tear to divulge all sorts of items they had previously kept quiet. First, there was the admission the golden plates were translated with egg-shaped seer stones, and now this. It's marketing, but in reverse. We call it "reverse marketing". Sorta like "with a name like Smuckers, it has to be good." But with Mormons....
Way back in Ye Early American Days, J Smith did in fact, wed multiple women, including a 14 year old daughter of a member.
Very similar to when the Jews during warfare, killed all the men and captured the women, they didn't make sex slaves out of them. If you believe that, I have bridges for sale. Excellent prices. Hardly used. Top quality.
Yes, quite difficult for J Smith.
Way back in Ye Early American Days, J Smith did in fact, wed multiple women, including a 14 year old daughter of a member.
Quote:The article acknowledges that many details about polygamy in early Mormonism are hazy because members were taught to keep their actions confidential. But, research has indicated that Smith's marriage to the young girl might not have involved sex.
Some plural marriages were designed to seal the man to the woman for eternity only, and not life and eternity as Mormons believe, the article says. Those types of marriages didn't seem to involve sex.
Little is known about Smith's marriages to the already-married women, the article says. They also might have been the type of unions that didn't involve sex.
Very similar to when the Jews during warfare, killed all the men and captured the women, they didn't make sex slaves out of them. If you believe that, I have bridges for sale. Excellent prices. Hardly used. Top quality.
Quote:"Difficult as it was, the introduction of plural marriage in Nauvoo did indeed 'raise up seed' unto God," the article says. "A substantial number of today's members descend through faithful Latter-day Saints who practiced plural marriage."
Yes, quite difficult for J Smith.