(March 4, 2016 at 11:18 am)Drich Wrote:atonement for what? sin? atonement from who the christian god? What standard? what is written in the bible? So far you have only confirmed my suspicion that, like most christians, you are only trying to convert me to your theistic veiw. I would prefer to actually think outside the box and see reality for what it is now so as to make positive changes(March 3, 2016 at 9:01 pm)loganonekenobi Wrote: From my perspective there is no absolute on morality other than gravity works. It appear to me that you believe that there is some form of absolute that we can follow. It (the Bible) is not clear nor unfallable.No.
There is a a standard in which righteousness is obtained. God set that standard because we are all playing in the existence he created. Thing is no one can live by that standard to ever earn righteousness. That is why we have been given the option of atonement. Atonement gives us the option to receive freely given righteousness of Christ.
If it is the shaky hand of man that writes these absolutes then there is no God authority that made these absolutes. Which leads us back to just doing the best with what we have.
You probably wont change the opinion that the holy books are just man made so now we are left with attempting to see the present course of reality and make our best descion.
If you believe that homosexuality and pedophilia are on the same harm (to society) level then it will be near impossible for us to come to a compromise.
I would be arrogant to say that my thinking cannot be flawed but due to this understanding I am all to aware that I should think and question the events in my life.
I have not seen any clear guidance from a divine source. the only thing i have is my human guidence flawed and all. I can admit that it may be flawed but the religious deny such flaw and I feel that is where a majority of mistakes are made when it comes to "pop morality".
Flaws are in the eye of the beholder.
I am not saying one can not find flaws. You can find flaws in a perfect diamond if you do not judge it by the standard in which diamonds are not typically judged. Or you can use this 'bizarrow'
standard to judge a diamond with heavy inclusions flawless.
Thats what morality is. It the standard that is not typically used to judged ourselves flawless.
God gets to sets a standard for us to follow, because He is the Father of creation. But the problem is God's standard is set so high we can not follow it. So He made a provision. Which should push an honest man to find another way/this provision (atonement) to obtain righteousness.
The key to understanding what is going on here is atonement requires repentance. (acknowledging sin, and turning your want and desire from it)
However rather than admitting this sin and repenting of it. Man develops 'morality.' Morality is a re working of God's standard to allow for the sins we judge tolerable/minor. God says It is always a sin to steal, Morality says it is ok to steal for a very good reason Eg.. Stealing to feed your starving baby. this way you can steal/sin and still be a 'good person.'
So rather than having one admit wrong doing, 'morality' allows one to justify their sin. Keeping them from the prospect of ever finding atonement.
Why is this important? with atonement one not only obtains the righteousness needed to enter heaven, it is not effected by our actions. We can neither do anything to earn righteousness or do anything to have it taken away. In essence we are free from the law/standard of God, so long as we do not lie to ourselves about our sin, and begin to harbor our sins as a point of pride or as a means to our self righteousness/morality. If we hold onto our sin through our 'moral behavior.' then we can never truly accept atonement because we through our feelings of 'morality' we will never repent.
So we then teach God's perfect standard to show that one can never live by it, and then move to substitute a life lived by judging actions against any standard, with absolute and complete freedom.
Do you understand what i have said here?
No judgement or harsh words. just looking to clarify.
if you can do that then we can proceed.