Quote:pool the great
I think it's a question of where your values more align with. For example, I'm currently an atheist but if in the future if I find that my own values align more with Christian values, I'd probably be a Christian.
What the fuck do values have to do with your religious (or lack of religious) beliefs? The two have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Quote:As far as I can tell it's:
1) Because he can't have kids of his own with his boyfriend. Perfectly understandable situation.
2) Because he is displeased with how differently the world sees homosexuality vs heterosexuality. I may be wrong but I think I remember him saying people think of homosexuality as something that's wrong with a person.
I don't know what you're talking about. While I don't know much about the guy, I do know that he's a raging fundy along with his insane statements -- go check it out on YT. My hunch is that he's exaggerating his flamboyancy to give his homosexuality more legitimacy to the right. I wouldn't normally speculate on something like that except, today on FOX he had really 'toned down' the make-up and stuff for his interviews, and I would suspect that he was requested to do so in order not to turn off FOX's older demographic. I've always gotten the impression that while he sincerely homosexual, he is also playing a shtick. Others have gotten the same impression.
I think the reason he doesn't want to be homosexual is because the right gives him shit for it, and he's always wanted to be the 'full package' deal like a Steven Crowder.
Quote:I think you mean feminists, he is anti feminist. He has repeatedly said he absolutely love women.No, I meant SJW.
Quote:He's scared of Muslims. His justification for his fear is that a good portions of Muslims doesn't accept homosexuality. Yeah so what? He's a little bitch that runs screeching because he's a scaredy cat. Big whoop.I'll concede the point.
Quote:??? What philosophy ???How about when he said atheists lack empathy, have no morals, and are autistic because they are critical of religious? That's a really good place to start.
Quote:His opinions hurt you? Cmon... He's a self proclaimed internet troll. Would've been a shame if he didn't hurt you.They don't hurt me at all. In fact, they are somewhat amusing in the world class ignorance he displays in them. The only offense I take is that he's a 32 year old man with an understanding of the world I'd expect from a teenager, or ignorant trailer trash in Kentucky. He was raised in Greece, by a wealthy family that gave him a good education far above the average Americans, so there's no excuse for his unfounded stupidity and prejudice.
Quote:Nope. These were his tweets:
Quote:The kind of tweets you said Leslie Jones got were not from him.My mistake, you are right, he did not make the offending tweets. Nevertheless, he has certainly created the environment for these things with his bullying of Leslie Jones -- whom did nothing to warrant his attacks. The fact that so many racist posters are attracted to him, that he wears Nazi paraphernalia, and surrounds himself with known alt-right white supremacists, pretty much tells the true story of what he himself is.
Quote:If you don't like him why go to his event in the first place? There are other people that like him enough to give him a (growing) platform outside of breitbart.Why the fuck does he want to speak to an audience of people that he has contempt for, at an institution he believes is evil? All he wants to do is get on his soapbox, be heard, throw verbal bombs, and call ANY criticism political correctness. It's a one way conversation completely.