Oh come on, this is not the first time such has happened.
If I recall correctly, while the Rwandan genocide was in formation and progress, a common tactic Republicans used was the "free speech" argument, which somehow made it A-Ok to call the opposing ethnicity cockroaches and for their subsequent extermination.
The common mongers of hate love to agitate, agitate, agitate. When things explode, they shriek "We didn't mean for that to happen".
A more recent example occurred after the shooting of Rep. Giffords by Laughner -- the discovery and outcry against the Palin infamous "Crosshairs" map over districts (with Giffords as one of the targets) was pulled and responded with a "Well, we didn't mean it."
Same technique from the anti-abortionists who use such rhetoric, then are "appalled" when someone blows away a doctor, as if their constant labeling of "baby killers" didn't contribute to the environment (the murder of Dr. Tiller by Roeder).
In psychology, we'd note this is the "diffusion of responsibility" backed up with malice, after all, they "really don't mean it" (with respect to causing someone to whip out a gun and start a "revolution"/"murder spree").
If I recall correctly, while the Rwandan genocide was in formation and progress, a common tactic Republicans used was the "free speech" argument, which somehow made it A-Ok to call the opposing ethnicity cockroaches and for their subsequent extermination.
The common mongers of hate love to agitate, agitate, agitate. When things explode, they shriek "We didn't mean for that to happen".
A more recent example occurred after the shooting of Rep. Giffords by Laughner -- the discovery and outcry against the Palin infamous "Crosshairs" map over districts (with Giffords as one of the targets) was pulled and responded with a "Well, we didn't mean it."
Same technique from the anti-abortionists who use such rhetoric, then are "appalled" when someone blows away a doctor, as if their constant labeling of "baby killers" didn't contribute to the environment (the murder of Dr. Tiller by Roeder).
In psychology, we'd note this is the "diffusion of responsibility" backed up with malice, after all, they "really don't mean it" (with respect to causing someone to whip out a gun and start a "revolution"/"murder spree").