I was a teenager. Someone who whose father was a dentist came in with big grocery bags filled with laughing gas and passed them around the room along with straws. My hallucination involved a full-fledged carnival at night. It was like the most intense dayglo/black velvet poster of all the rides and events, with a giant roller coaster surrounding all of it. It felt like it went on for days. To this day I wish I had art skills and could draw it.
I honestly don't know how I survived my teen years.
Now I don't do drugs, don't drink and don't smoke cigarettes. The last thing I (we) let go of was pot. We were both over fifty by then.
I honestly don't know how I survived my teen years.
Now I don't do drugs, don't drink and don't smoke cigarettes. The last thing I (we) let go of was pot. We were both over fifty by then.
Where are we going and why am I in this hand basket?