Since we're disclosing, I was raised in a literalist Christian sect and decided I ought to actually read the Bible. Then I decided to read it again in a modern version to be sure the King's English wasn't confusing me. That experience did not make me an atheist, but it did make me an agnostic theist. I could not believe that the authors were actually in touch with and accurately reporting the messages of a morally perfect being. Perhaps ironically I think rather better of the ancient Hebrews today now that my opinion is that most of their claimed pillaging and genocide were foundational myths rather than actual events. There were some contradictions I noticed, but it was mainly the barbarity and injustice that God seemed to be a part of that repelled me from Christianity.
I had minimal critical thinking skills at this point, and believed lots of stuff without much evidence to support it. Over the next 20 years I gradually developed the insight to reject most of it, at least to the point of having the opinion that a reasonable person should not hold those things to be true if they thought about it as I had. This had nothing to do with religion directly, just realizing that the evidence to support Bigfoot, ESP, and Nessie wasn't sufficient to warrant justified belief. Around the end of that, iI realized that at some point I had stopped believing in any kind of God or god, and supernatural beings in general.
I had minimal critical thinking skills at this point, and believed lots of stuff without much evidence to support it. Over the next 20 years I gradually developed the insight to reject most of it, at least to the point of having the opinion that a reasonable person should not hold those things to be true if they thought about it as I had. This had nothing to do with religion directly, just realizing that the evidence to support Bigfoot, ESP, and Nessie wasn't sufficient to warrant justified belief. Around the end of that, iI realized that at some point I had stopped believing in any kind of God or god, and supernatural beings in general.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.