I can't defend self driving bikes but as an aside I often seen people bashing self driving cars, damn lazy people can't drive, and what not.
This is highly personal to me because I'm legally blind, can't drive and likely never will. and the independence I'll gain when self diving cars become available and trusted enough that I will be allowed to use one, will be a glorious day indeed.
if you can drive you honestly have no idea what a blessing you have. to be able to just go somewhere any time you want.
I say bring on the self driving cars already! the self driving motorcycles, well yeah that's kind of weird. LOL
This is highly personal to me because I'm legally blind, can't drive and likely never will. and the independence I'll gain when self diving cars become available and trusted enough that I will be allowed to use one, will be a glorious day indeed.
if you can drive you honestly have no idea what a blessing you have. to be able to just go somewhere any time you want.
I say bring on the self driving cars already! the self driving motorcycles, well yeah that's kind of weird. LOL