God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.
The tree of knowledge.
Two things. Do you value your moral sense?
Would you give it up along with most of what you know since most is subject to being good or evil?
Why do you think A & E would value it any less than yourself?
Life without morals is not worth living so we must thank Eve, then Adam, for making the right choice.
The tree of life.
As to living forever. If you just created children and were going to raise them and teach them what to eat or not, what tree would you first feed them?
If bright, I will assume you made the right choice. The tree of life. The most important tree.
Then that brings up the uncomfortable question of why God chose to feed them something else first. His decision and your brighter one are in opposition. You chose the moral and intelligent decision while God did not.
You make a better parent than God. Even if we ignore his preventing A & E from reaching what would save them. The tree of life. I call that murder.
Take a bow and have God bow to you.
If you do not agree that man is a better parent, then you are not much of a thinker and you should question your morals.
The tree of knowledge.
Two things. Do you value your moral sense?
Would you give it up along with most of what you know since most is subject to being good or evil?
Why do you think A & E would value it any less than yourself?
Life without morals is not worth living so we must thank Eve, then Adam, for making the right choice.
The tree of life.
As to living forever. If you just created children and were going to raise them and teach them what to eat or not, what tree would you first feed them?
If bright, I will assume you made the right choice. The tree of life. The most important tree.
Then that brings up the uncomfortable question of why God chose to feed them something else first. His decision and your brighter one are in opposition. You chose the moral and intelligent decision while God did not.
You make a better parent than God. Even if we ignore his preventing A & E from reaching what would save them. The tree of life. I call that murder.
Take a bow and have God bow to you.
If you do not agree that man is a better parent, then you are not much of a thinker and you should question your morals.