I think most who engage with such content and issues likely do so from similar motives. I am too old to have been part of these communities, but if the internet had existed when I was a teen I may well have be drawn into them. But I spent my younger years bullied and rejected for my looks, and loneliness and body dysmorphia and trauma has been a constant companion throughout my life (it was a large part of many dramatic things in my life - addiction, religion, caedsexuality, erasgender, sexual fluidity, objectum relationships, a highly toxic marriage, and much more). My lived experience has reinforced the importance of looks to me in quite a brutal fashion.
I think most who engage with such content and issues likely do so from similar motives. I am too old to have been part of these communities, but if the internet had existed when I was a teen I may well have be drawn into them. But I spent my younger years bullied and rejected for my looks, and loneliness and body dysmorphia and trauma has been a constant companion throughout my life (it was a large part of many dramatic things in my life - addiction, religion, caedsexuality, erasgender, sexual fluidity, objectum relationships, a highly toxic marriage, and much more). My lived experience has reinforced the importance of looks to me in quite a brutal fashion.