Quote:2). We kicked your British asses in two wars. The 'Revolutionary War' and again in the 'War of 1812'. I especially loved the 'Battle of New Orleans' where the badly outnumbered American troops led by Andrew Jackson obliterated the highly experienced and the numerically superior British troops who were fresh off the battle field in the Napoleonic War.....
I think you have to set that aside the fact that the British basically strutted into our national capital facing little resistance to speak of. They left with the same relative peacefulness, too. Americans were frequently known to run away from the British, sometimes with just a minimum of resistance, right through Washington instead of making an attempt to defend it. New Orleans really didn't do anything except make up for what has to be the most humiliating defeat American arms ever suffered.
Really, the only true defense America put up against the British march to Washington was not from its army but from a group of grounded flotilla men led by Commodore Joshua Barney, probably my favorite unsung American war hero.