RE: The argument from morality is scary.
January 1, 2013 at 5:00 am
(This post was last modified: January 1, 2013 at 5:04 am by Mark 13:13.)
While I wont dispute your evidence re athiests commit less crimes I would suggest that it's a bit soon to jump to the conclusion that its the athiesm itself that causes this. Can the rise in Athiesm or those who are religious only in name in any country in the west be matched to a decrease in crime rate when other factors are taken into account. The old maxim 1 swallow does not make a summer. I would also suggest that its too early to tell because to use the oft quoted idea of atheists that most people only hold a religious belief only do so because of indoctrination then if that was the case the dropping of religious belief would not by necessity mean a drop in the full scope of the indoctrination which also includes a code of morality associated with the previous belief. ( ps please don't feel i'm advocating that you prove to yourself that you have truly "broken free" in action (in the way some can't reference what to many of us are objects of reverence without instinctively dropping a gratuitive insult when it adds nothing to the discussion)). To use an analogy when someone breaks a leg and is bed bound for some time, the bone may be repaired but it takes a further space of time before they can sprint at full speed again. It would be reassuring to us religious folk that even if we should become the clear minority in future that as atheists are more moral we should feel safer in that environment but I don't feel reassured. The freedom the internet has given people to be themselves fully because of their anonymity ( dam it I wish I didn't use so many big words as I have to keep checking spelling ) while bringing the spread of ideas and knowledge has also given rise to much that's not so wonderful, as a teacher I would point to online bullying. So how will the population as a whole operate when finally freed from any possible restraints of religious ideas to their actions. Are you really so convinced that it will be better if everyone just became atheist?