OK, this Islamophobia is getting ridiculous. It's so ethnocentric. Whether or not you agree with Islam, you have to live in a world with people who do. It doesn't help anyone for you to just hate Islam and Muslims. It would be better if you tried to find common ground, or at least be tolerant of their existence. What's going on in the Middle East and the history there is too complicated for most westerners to understand. Your opinions on Islam are ignorant ones. Mine is too.
All I know about Islam is that there are good and bad Muslims. I know a lot of good ones. I even know feminist Muslims. I consider myself a feminist as well. You shouldn't judge Islam on its attitudes towards women because they're working with a completely different framework than we are. It's going to take a lot longer to make progress in the Middle East, and blind hatred doesn't help.
All I know about Islam is that there are good and bad Muslims. I know a lot of good ones. I even know feminist Muslims. I consider myself a feminist as well. You shouldn't judge Islam on its attitudes towards women because they're working with a completely different framework than we are. It's going to take a lot longer to make progress in the Middle East, and blind hatred doesn't help.