Creed at times you get it.
I cringe when I hear the term "responsible gun owners" usually because it is in the news after someone gets shot with their guns. It doesn't matter how "responsible" someone is or thinks they are. Loaded guns are inherently dangerous and it only takes one mistake to result in a tragedy.
(And, "unloaded guns" are pretty much worthless even as clubs and when you buy in to the NRA inspired culture of fear that everyone in the world is out to get you (paranoia for the profit of the arms manufacturers) it makes no sense to keep a gun unloaded because in an emergency it won't do you any fucking good.)
I have a collection of muzzle-loading replicas. The guns are kept, unloaded, in the house. The powder and shot is kept in a cabinet in the garage. I have no illusion of using any of them for "defense," although I do have a bayonet for my Brown Bess.
I cringe when I hear the term "responsible gun owners" usually because it is in the news after someone gets shot with their guns. It doesn't matter how "responsible" someone is or thinks they are. Loaded guns are inherently dangerous and it only takes one mistake to result in a tragedy.
(And, "unloaded guns" are pretty much worthless even as clubs and when you buy in to the NRA inspired culture of fear that everyone in the world is out to get you (paranoia for the profit of the arms manufacturers) it makes no sense to keep a gun unloaded because in an emergency it won't do you any fucking good.)
I have a collection of muzzle-loading replicas. The guns are kept, unloaded, in the house. The powder and shot is kept in a cabinet in the garage. I have no illusion of using any of them for "defense," although I do have a bayonet for my Brown Bess.