(December 3, 2008 at 3:19 pm)CoxRox Wrote: If you believe that stuff spontaneously appeared out of thin air, then to me that is as unlikely to me as your view of a supernatural being.
I find the universe "coming from nothing" to be slightly more likely than a god coming from nothing. Why would a God pop into existence with omnipotence/science, humanlike attributes such as emotion and even sex (male/female is a product of evolution, why would God be male? "He" doesn't need to reproduce with any women, doesn't need to produce gametes, probably doesn't have a penis), a plan, a need for praise, the inclination to create two seperate universes for the good and bad people who he would guide the creation of for billions of years, the need for sacrifice, the crazy idea that writing a book would be a GOOD thing. It doesn't add up to me how this ridiculously complex being with such randomly allocated powers (and they must have been random unless "he" came into existence and then quickly selected powers out of a catalogue) can seem more likely than this much less complex universe randomly coming into existence. But as far as I'm aware, there is a slightly better explanation out there than "the universe came from nothing", and I don't think it includes hocus pocus (I may be wrong)
(December 3, 2008 at 3:19 pm)CoxRox Wrote: I'd just like to say that you view of God doesn't sound too good. I don't have that view of God.And I think my view on God is lovely I think YOUR view on God is bad! MY God is the REAL one, yours is a LIE FROM SATAN. [/sarcastic (poor) humour]