It was interesting of YOU to put a religious spin on the nonsense of GENESIS
However - the real problem is that the MYTHOLOGY of Genesis is just that - no more true than the greek mythology or that of the Egyptians.
THE timeline of genesis creation is nonsense - the earth is may times older than 6000 years - there was NEVER a time when ALL of the life on earth existed at the same time - and never will be.
The story of the Exodus is also a much later created fable. First - there is no evidence that the Hebrews even existed at the time of the supposed exodus. At that time -they certainly were not in bondage to Egypt - we already have a complete list of those who were - written in stone.
THERE is no evidence that a million people wandered through the Israeli desert - and there would be LOTS of that - just in normal garbage left behind. We already know that the story of Jericho is false - there was NO fortified city at the site at the time of the supposed battle.
The great flood - which also NEVER happened - would be an example of the murder of an incredible number of children who were too young to have "sinned" - and one cannot claim that they would have - and still say they had "free will" not to.
The problem with those "explanations" of the bible by thiests - is that they can never get it straight that is it FICTIONAL - no more real than the rest of religions of that time.
However - the real problem is that the MYTHOLOGY of Genesis is just that - no more true than the greek mythology or that of the Egyptians.
THE timeline of genesis creation is nonsense - the earth is may times older than 6000 years - there was NEVER a time when ALL of the life on earth existed at the same time - and never will be.
The story of the Exodus is also a much later created fable. First - there is no evidence that the Hebrews even existed at the time of the supposed exodus. At that time -they certainly were not in bondage to Egypt - we already have a complete list of those who were - written in stone.
THERE is no evidence that a million people wandered through the Israeli desert - and there would be LOTS of that - just in normal garbage left behind. We already know that the story of Jericho is false - there was NO fortified city at the site at the time of the supposed battle.
The great flood - which also NEVER happened - would be an example of the murder of an incredible number of children who were too young to have "sinned" - and one cannot claim that they would have - and still say they had "free will" not to.
The problem with those "explanations" of the bible by thiests - is that they can never get it straight that is it FICTIONAL - no more real than the rest of religions of that time.