(December 4, 2008 at 11:32 am)MerrieMelodyxx Wrote: The problem with prayer isn't that it makes you feel good, or even necessarily that you feel it can influence the world around you. The problem is that because you feel that prayer is doing something to influence the world around you, you'll be less likely to do something else to solve the problem.That is untrue. I can name countless Churches around the world that pray for help, and also donate their time and hard earned money to make sure.. (insert any charity) is provided for this time of crisis.
Quote:You feel satisfied with your contribution and don't feel it's necessary to continue to address the problem. Out of sight, out of mind.Once again, that is untrue. The world's problems are hardly "out of sight, out of mind." How can we NOT face Global terrorism, The World's largest Banks are crashing, Worldwide Economy is about the collaspe any day, Global warming, The U.S recession, The World's three largest auto makers are one month away from total bankruptcy, Nations are rising against Nation in the Mid-East.. I could go on all day long about the world and and it's countdown to Armageddon, but I think you should get the idea.
Everything I have mentioned, it's more than likely since it's mostly within the U.S, These are Christians tackling these issues. I'm quite sure there are Churches praying, U.S Senators, Federal Judges, Supreme Court Judges are primarily Christian faithfuls. I'm also sure they are praying in Church to end this crisis the world is facing. Not to mention, they go to the Office on Monday to deal with this worldwide crisis.
Quote:I think that prayer, sitting quietly with thoughts, having meditation time, whatever you want to call it, are all really good things from a personal health standpoint.Agreed, but to call someone a delusional freak because they pray? I think that is a bit extreme.
Quote:I find it much easier to get through the day, deal with high-pressure situations, and stay calm if I take a couple moments at the beginning of the day for myself. I don't expect these moments for myself to have an impact beyond what's in my mind. It's not that's not valuable... it's just not the only thing I rely upon to get things done in my life.If you are an atheist, and you have found happiness, then let all of the peace in the world be with you. But I guarantee one thing. I'm not going to sit here and call you delusional for not believing in "My" God.
Quote:Is it not possible to feed the homeless and hungry without religion?Every time I flip the channels, I always see a Christian organization with an (800) number to help starving children. They always show those sad pictures of starving children.. they do that so the Christians with the deep pockets can help them.
Quote:On a more important tangent, do good works prove the merits of a philosophical stance? If this is the case, I'd say atheism has a good start for being full of merit, at least in my family.I'm sure there are atheists that do good, Christians do good, Muslims do good, and the Hindus.. Buddhists... everyone helps out. So, in reality, who is delusional? I would think if God can be scientifically disproven, then I would believe religious people may suffer from schitzophrenia. But since the God idea cannot be deflated in any manner.. I don't see the reason for insulting religious folk by calling them delusional.
We are trying to help the world the best we can, and we are being called delusional by a biologist, keep in mind, not a psychiatrist.
No credibility whatsoever in the psychological field of study.