Psalm I hate to burst your bubble but,God does not exist.God is the product of the imagination of man that has gone too far and his myth has been blown out of proportion.I agree with Dawkins and Einstein in stating that the belief in God is a delusion,since it is a product of the mind and only exists in the mind.Nature and all the wonders of the world do not prove that he exists,all it proves is that there are things we do not yet understand.
Encartas online dictionary defines a delusion as:
a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of a psychiatric condition.
In my mind the strongest evidence against the belief in God is that it is simply yet another one of mans creations.Faith as I have stated on this web site on several forums is nothing more than voluntary ignorance.All religion is myth based on oral traditions and folktales that to this day continue to grow and propagate due to the lack of research on the part of those that choose to believe in them.There is a term ironically that I have heard other evangelists use regarding a christians non commital to his belief system.Because his parents brought him/her up in a certain religion or belief he feels obligated to continue in that belief although he does not fully accept it.Evangelists like to call this Ma and Pa's religion.
That last part about belief due to a psychiatric condition does have some merit in some instances.Religion for many of the so called faithful serves as a coping system.It is comforting to know that no matter how bad things may seem there is some invisible force in heaven that is by your side for comfort and guidance.Many fundamentalist Pentecostals such as myself in the past came to rely on that force almost completely.God gives his servants a sense of pupose in life that if they were to be stripped of their God those people would be a shell of their former selves.
Encartas online dictionary defines a delusion as:
a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of a psychiatric condition.
In my mind the strongest evidence against the belief in God is that it is simply yet another one of mans creations.Faith as I have stated on this web site on several forums is nothing more than voluntary ignorance.All religion is myth based on oral traditions and folktales that to this day continue to grow and propagate due to the lack of research on the part of those that choose to believe in them.There is a term ironically that I have heard other evangelists use regarding a christians non commital to his belief system.Because his parents brought him/her up in a certain religion or belief he feels obligated to continue in that belief although he does not fully accept it.Evangelists like to call this Ma and Pa's religion.
That last part about belief due to a psychiatric condition does have some merit in some instances.Religion for many of the so called faithful serves as a coping system.It is comforting to know that no matter how bad things may seem there is some invisible force in heaven that is by your side for comfort and guidance.Many fundamentalist Pentecostals such as myself in the past came to rely on that force almost completely.God gives his servants a sense of pupose in life that if they were to be stripped of their God those people would be a shell of their former selves.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition