(July 22, 2014 at 7:54 pm)Blackout Wrote: Why do some theists, particularly religious ones, like so much to point out and accuse some atheists of being fundamentalists (similar to religious ones)? Don't they realize atheism has no dogmas, therefore there can't be any fundamentalism? Stop using that word theists, I don't think it means what you think it means!
(specially when talking about Mao Zedong, Stalin and other political leaders who were/are against religion)
I hate that shit too. Now while you could find some atheists who'd like to see religion outlawed, I am not one of those. I certainly see religion as poison, and a distraction and distortion of our species common existence, but we do not live in a utopia and even if I wanted to force religion out of existence it wouldn't be practical on a planet of 7 billion.
Having said that, blasphemy and cussing only makes one blunt, not fundamentalist. Offending someone only means you offended them, it does not mean you want to kill them.
Why shouldn't I be objecting claims of fictional sky heros? Why shouldn't I hate the divisive nature of religion? Why should I value sexism, bigotry, homophobia and xenophobia?
Atheism is the noise people make in the face of naked assertions with no evidence.