Just to clarify my position FAF,
The world never ends and Obama is not some kind of antichrist.
He is THE antichrist. The final antichrist in a long line of them.
We (wife, me and her buddy) do joke about the Catholic nonsense.
Having come out from that background, we know more about it than most Catholics do.
Of course, we would have been hunted as heretics when Popery was in full power.
Some of our banter:
The mass- hocus pocus.
The pope- drop the e and add an o in the middle.
The monstrance- the monsterance.
The world never ends and Obama is not some kind of antichrist.
He is THE antichrist. The final antichrist in a long line of them.
We (wife, me and her buddy) do joke about the Catholic nonsense.
Having come out from that background, we know more about it than most Catholics do.
Of course, we would have been hunted as heretics when Popery was in full power.
Some of our banter:
The mass- hocus pocus.
The pope- drop the e and add an o in the middle.
The monstrance- the monsterance.