Hi Dee Dee
(February 12, 2013 at 9:35 am)Dee Dee Ramone Wrote: I just wanted to say that the statistics are;
1 not genuine because they are not representive for the US but represent Quote:21 cities with the highest infection rate
The statistics are genuine. It is only urban cities which have significant LGBT populations. They naturally gravitate there, to be around other LGBT people, to avoid isolation in rural area.
Its amazing you can attempt to deny or ignore these shocking figures.
Research any western nation - the results are always the same.
(February 12, 2013 at 9:35 am)Dee Dee Ramone Wrote: 2 do not prove monogamy will solve the HIV infections..
Do you need "proof" that, if less drunk people attempt to drive cars, there will be less DUI / drunk-driving incidents?
Why then do you deny that, if people have less sex partners - ie only have sex with a single monogamous partner - that will reduce the amount of STD transmission?
Its basic common sense, a child could see it.
(February 12, 2013 at 9:35 am)Dee Dee Ramone Wrote: A hint is given in the article; most people are not aware they are infected...testing and prevention is the solution
Why are they not aware? Its because
they don't go to get tested.
Condoms, and testing are not the solution - that is what we have been doing since the 1960s and it has been a massive failure.
Saying condoms (mere mitigation, not a solution) are the best way to fight HIV transmission from risky sex, is like saying advocating the wearing of crash helmets is the best way to tackle suicide via jumping off buildings.
No - in both cases, the problem is
behaviour. it is behaviour which must change.
(February 12, 2013 at 9:35 am)Dee Dee Ramone Wrote: I don't deny hiv infections are high among gay people, but that doesn't make the catholic monogamy story a solution to this problems. People have sex, if the church likes it or not.
The Church is not against people having sex. Sex is great, wonderful and safe - but only when sex is responsible and proper.
Homosexual sex, by its nature, is not proper as it represents the misuse of the body (wrt its physical form).
Additionally, the type of sex many gay men prefer - risky sex with others who are strangers (and so whose health status is unknown) - is very irresponsible.
It is not in the least surprising that gay communities are ravaged by HIV. It is sad however that so many people will deny the reality of why this is.
It is not very telling that the group whose sexual behaviour is most far removed from Catholic teaching - gay men - is the group worst affected by HIV?
(February 12, 2013 at 9:35 am)Dee Dee Ramone Wrote: Furthermore, please show me your truth on hiv & catholics in africa.
I will use two sources - avert.org (a secular HIV charity which does a lot of good work in this area) and catholic-hierarchy (a site which maintains statistics pertaining to the Catholic Church and its adherents).
avert.org Wrote:Southern Africa is the worst impacted by AIDS
It then lists the worst hit countries, described as nations where the adult HIV rate is around 20%.
I have listed these nations below, along with their catholic population data.
% HIV % Catholic
South Africa
17.8 6.36
24.8 4.78
23.6 53.62
25.9 5.56
HIV data from the above avert link, and catholic data from:
It is very obvious that, of the worst affected African nations, only 1 - Lesotho - has a significant Catholic population. The others have tiny Catholic minorities.
Catholic sexual morality only applies to Catholics. We can see that in the worst hit African nations, the people are overwhelmingly not Catholics. Therefore, Catholic sexual morality simply
cannot be blamed for the sexual behaviour of these nations.
It is interesting to note that the HIV rate in the worst hit African nations is very similar to the HIV rates among gay men in the west.
The only thing these the groups have in common is that they do not conduct their sex lives in accordance with Catholic teaching.
None of this is vague, or at all difficult to understand. All that is required is a willingness to accept the truth which is borne out by the statistics.
However, many people cannot do this, because it either contradicts their own opinion, or they do not like to concede that the Catholic Church has a point.
The result of this refusal to accept the truth is that HIV will continue to spread and more lives will be blighted.
That the truth is so very unwelcome is shown by the fact that I am having to post this at all.
We should put faith in our scientific experts and what they teach us.
Dr Edward Green, a globally renowned public health expert, has openly stated that:
Quote:The pope was right about condoms, says Harvard HIV expert
Dr Green is not a Catholic and does support the availability of condoms for those who want them.
However, he agrees with Catholic sexual morality that the best and most effective way to combat STDs is for people to only have sex responsibly - ie only with monogamous partners, within committed relationships.
The problem is, most secular people listen to the media, or their favourite celebrity, when it comes to sex and morality - they do not listen to experts like Dr Green.
The idea that monogamy is some crazy idea is a nonsense. This behaviour was largely the norm everywhere, up until the 1960s.
Before the 1960s, sex was seen as a good thing, but with possible serious consequences (new life, or STD transmission) and so it was best to confine it to committed relationships.
After the 1960s, sex has been seen as a toy for our pleasure, where we can use it as we will, "protected" by condoms and testing. But - as the stats show - this change in attitude has been a disaster for the health of non-Catholics, especially homosexual men. Current sexual behaviour is based on the faulty assumption that contraception has reliable separated the pleasure of sex from its natural consequences. But this is not true - our artificial methods work most of the time, but
not all of the time.
In various posts in this thread I have clearly demonstrated that:
- in the developed world, HIV is almost exclusively associated with homosexual men
- in the 3rd world, HIV is almost exclusively associated with non-Catholics
Neither of these groups adhere to Catholic sexual morality, and so it is clear that the idea that Catholic teaching is responsible for the HIV pandemic is a malicious lie, one propagated by those who - due to their hatred of Catholicism - cannot accept the truth. People who put themselves and their desires first, not the truth and not their health.
They prefer a fantasy world of lies, and ever rising HIV figures.
(February 12, 2013 at 9:43 am)Zone Wrote: It's because gay men in the West have or at least had a habbit of not using condoms. Hetereosexuals in the West do tend to use them so that would explain the difference.
Hiya Zone
So, condoms are available, but people choose not to use them - what does this suggest about the effectiveness of condoms in tackling STD or unwanted pregnancy?
There are also problems with irresponsible heterosexual sex - mostly unwanted pregnancy and so the destruction of hundreds of 1000s of unwanted children per year.
Contraception is not effective at reliably preventing STD transmission or unwanted pregnancy. This is why we have so much HIV and abortions in our society.
That gay men are affected by incurable disease, and heterosexual couples destroy the lives they have created with their meaningless sex, is simply a reflection of the differences in nature between homosexual and heterosexual sex, and the different attitudes surrounding them.
What is common to both is irresponsible attitudes to sex, though the fall out is different.
(February 12, 2013 at 3:29 pm)Violet Lilly Blossom Wrote: Uhhh... no. That's nonsense 
I notice the usual lack of evidence to support your argument and the usual ignoring of the evidence I present to you.
You are an immature idiot, Violet Lilly Blossom, and I will henceforth cease wasting my time engaging with you.
Your puerile excuse for an intellect is clearly only suited to living within your own fantasy world - it is not suited to rational, adult discussion, where we deal with facts and the truth.
With kind regards