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[quote] http://www.zeitgeistchallenge.com
alright; this movie and other partial-to-total lies claims that the word of the creator is ****
example of cannabis in the sealed word of god: chances exceeding 1 in 6.5 x 10E420
mathematical patterning in word of god:
http://www.biblecodedigest.com http://www.exodus2006.com
http://www.ad2004.com http://www.exodus2006.com/3code.htm
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things like one woman to one man instead of the law which is multiple women to one man as allowable, thus to fire it:
here is the burial of jesus christ in the cloth put and raised in:
the original gospel (good news) was written from the aramaic; lies include: the bible is bs; the bible didn't happen; the bible is a storybook to be read in a monastery
noah's ark: http://www.666soon.com
"there were giants in those days and also after" (genesis)
photo of an antedeluvian giant:
the original aramaic gospel in english downloadable and mathematic
was the new testament really written in greek contains split/semi-split words
Illuminati Formula to Create a Totally Undetectable Mind Control Slave
http://www.unknownprophet.com has a vision regarding california
retranslations include: "for ever and ever" = "for age and age" "aeon and aeon"; MTY 11:12 breaking forth, and those breaking forth seize hold of it;
LK 14:26 "to hate", "to put aside", "to have aversion against"; pronounce of yhwh as yehowah; 11 rev arc of covenant; 11 daniel ethiopia/ns and libya/ns with anti-messiah; a "day" not only as a 1000 years as definite neither as a 24 hour day as definitel; sheol/hades/hell as a pit/storage and gehenna/fire place as what ppl call and biased spit as "hell"
9daniel in ad2004.com is about the meshikha not the anti-meshikha and the lion of the "end of days" is unecessarily j christ (of judah)
/is not armageddon:
lastly: "He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man (adam) in the day when they were created."
GEN 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth, and the earth became laid waste; as opposed to "was formless"
" "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and
multiply, and *replenish the earth... The word used here is (Strong's
ref. 2318 chadash, khaw - dash; a prim. root; to be new, to rebuild,
repair, renew" "
"Fallacies: seraphim as flying sauces/discs
yeremiah's vision as "pre-adamic" as opposed to day of the lord
mryh-yhwh sending negative ets against humanity as opposed to watchers on day of the lord"
" "Behold, HE (antichrist?) shall come up as CLOUDS, and his chariots
shall be as a WHIRLWIND (Joel 2?): his horses swifter than EAGLES
(UFO's?). Woe unto us! for we are spoiled. Make ye mention to the
NATIONS; behold, publish against JERUSALEM that W A T C H E R S COME
FROM A FAR COUNTRY, and give out their voice against the cities of
Judah. " "
he; yhwh eagles; chariots "like a hurricane"
" "The vision which Esias son of Amos saw against Babylon. Lift up a
standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon
with the hand, open the gates, ye ruler. I give command and I bring
them: N E P H I L L I M are coming to fulfil MY WRATH, rejoicing at
the same time and insulting " "
day of the lord; translation of/out of septuagint "nephilim" fallacy
positive seraphim/fiery ones/serpent ones noted in Isaiah 6
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5npGRK6L6Eg ophanin is the wheel not seraphim
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RE: Zeitgeist 2: Addendum
"words of Genesis 1:2 'and the earth was (became) formless and void'
The next sentence, 'and the earth was formless and void', is in
error in most English translations. It should read, 'and the earth
became formless and void.' The Hebrew word translated 'was formless'
in English versions of the Bible is 'toh-ho' a verb which means, 'to
lay waste'. "
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is not armageddon:
9 Daniel: meshikha cut off on 70th 7year
"on the wings of abomination it shall be made desolate"
(70 weeks is over)
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12 Revelation
woman bride city of god (21rev)
and I heard an eagle flying in the heaven (8rev)
two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman (12rev)
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5th seal 11 revelation 12 revelation 13 revelation 144k slain further
witnesses slain
third woe
woe to the earth and sea, for the devil, who has great fury has
descended to them, as he knows that he has little time (12rev)
"a great fiery dragon"
great fiery dragon is the destroyer is false
a bible is a set of volumes
'Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men, also revealed that the Mayans have known about
Tzoltze ek' (Nibiru) for many years. They say 'The planet has a period of 6,500
years, not 3,600, and visits us 4 times every 26,000 year precessional cycle'
(the Great Calendar of the Pleiades that ends on 21st December 2012).
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"The Biblical phenomenon:
"Here is the mind which has wisdom.
The seven heads are seven mountains
on which the woman (the harlot Babylon) sits."
Rev. 17:9 KJV, NKV
Is this clue referring to the 'seven hills of Rome'? I don't think so.
If we take this literally and look for mountains, we can actually find
one geographic area in the world where exactly seven mountain ranges converge -
in a remote spot in northeastern Pennsylvania, USA!
A map drawn in 1872 gives this area a name, one which may be surprisingly
prophetic. The name? The World's End."
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canonical: torah joshua judges samuel
kings isaiah jeremiah ezekiel hosea joel
amos obadiah micah nahum habakuk
haggai zechariah malachi psalms proverbs
job song of solomon ruth lamentations
ecclesiastes ester daniel ezra nehemiah
chronicles mty mark luke john acts of the
apostles james peter john jude paulus
"you shall be with me in paradise" abraham's bosom,
sheol, heart of the earth/world; as opposed to heaven
25 december of egyptian horus; birth of christ in sept oct
raised on a saturday; as opposed to easter-ishtar of babelon