so many of you missing the elephant in the room lol
and so angry lol kitty has claws rawr.
maybe this will help..
Assuming I am an idiot is your first mistake.
Your second is assuming that everyone that ever devoted their life to God had only an Imaginary concept of why.
Your 3rd mistake is assuming I am a pantheist when I believe in an anthropomorphized God that happens to be Life itself.
Your 4th mistake is assuming that existence itself is not a thing worthy of care and adoration and that once all people do care that a LOT of crime will end.
your 5th mistake is taking literally all the words you have ever read that are describing a thing that is inherently undescribeable.
Your 6th mistake is assuming that all the evidence of definition that I have comes from the Bible when the bible makes up at best 5% of it.
it is simply the most common. i can quote from all kinds of stuff they found in caves over the last several thousands of years to back it up as well.
there are literally hundreds of books on religion throughout history that have One commonality.
A theme if you will.
And that is what God is.
I have provided several quotes that clearly you never read or have such a prejudice too that when you see a biblical reference the disregard flows from you like a waterfall.
Who else should define God?
An Atheist that never even got the concept in the first place?
A Christian that never got the concept in the first place?
Some dumb soldier like me that spouts a bunch of stuff about how great God is?
Or the AUTHORS of the books...
there are more than a thousand ways to describe a rose.
How many do you think there are to describe existence?
I know why it is hard for you guys to get this.
you are men of faith.
the Atheist BELIEVES there is no God. He can know no more than the blind Christian can. For both fail to comprehend as both expect it to be more complicated than it is, even though it is all complications. (the beginning AND the end. The first AND the last.)
A good way to describe God is the narrowing down everything you see to the 4 elements air, earth, fire, and water, and then seeing what the 4 elements have made when you mix them together.
Wouldn't it be weird if Windows 7 had a logo that did that?
...even they know this guys and gals...
But the HUGE mistake of the Atheist is thinking that a concept which has survived wars, torture, persecution, alternate versions of itself engineered to suck money out of people, thieves, bullies, King's rath, and the slaying of millions, is based on nothing.
And what a laugh when you finally realize the truth.
It is based on EVERYTHING.
This is a concept, not a trick, not a play on words, it is the best way we have in this language to say it.
your mind can only think so far as the limits you place upon it.
if you insist God cannot mean what i say it means then you are being closed minded i would ask you to be courteous enough to at least pretend that is what it means for a few minutes and see if anything clicks.
All I have been asking you to do is consider the definition.
And my oh my you guys get your feathers all kinds of ruffled over it.
How dare i ask you to consider that you may have the definition of God wrong oh hell no you say.
You KNOW what God means as much as i do right?
you are certain you are right you have FAITH in it.
faith in believing life is Godless. we live then we die the end right?
no need to pursue life after death that is stupid right?
for the weak right?
You are SURE that there is no God so if there turns out to be one will your actions have been such that would warrant life after death?
Or would you then say, "oh sorry God I didn't believe in you or i wouldn't have taken advantage of others in the way I did."
Good luck with that lol
Another huge error of arrogance of the Atheists part is assuming that God would burn you in hell for not believing in him...
Yes Christians say that..
They also think saying a prayer on a street corner will save your soul...
but being born again simply means to die. "Marvel not ye must be born again to enter heaven." Where do people go when they die? Heaven? how do they get there? they have to go through a process equally tramatic as BIRTH. Death.
if the man says do not marvel he probably means it is pretty simple...
You got to appreciate that Jesus was dealing with what to him were very young children.
As for what should we believe?
LOGIC can solve this problem so easy. try it once with me.
If you die and nothing happens you simply cease to exist with no memory of these fun conversations. Life is pointless congratulations Atheists you were right but no one will ever know including you. Talk about a hollow victory lol
if you die and continue to live in a sentient state, but there is no God per se, just a bunch of people that died before you also in a sentient state. then it is highly likely that they have developed a filter or system of dealing with people, that would look for people that justify their evil acts on others by saying it was simply because they did not believe it mattered if they harmed another, because they did not believe in God. they would likely have a 'room' for them to keep them out of the house with the fine china in it, as the people that got their first died oh millions of years before you, and probably got the hang of it by now. congrats Atheist you were right but still would have benefitted from having good morals. (Note I am not saying atheists do not have good morals, some do. just as some Christians are wolves in sheeps clothing. In this scenario it would be PEOPLE you should fear condemning you.) this one is a tie for the atheist and the christian. neither wins neither loses. the advantage would be to the Christians as they lived morally and thus likely harmed less people statistically speaking.. Common sense would rule.
If you die and there is a God. the same scenario as above would apply with the exception that God would be punishing the wicked through the actions of His children... in other words same thing...with one small exception. Atheists would then learn they were WRONG and likely would have mucked it up by living in a manner that created a personality no one would want around.
You see the ONLY thing we could possibly 'take with us' after death is our personality.
You someone fun to meet and hang out with? or do you like to have fun by convincing others that people you disagree with are crazy and should be killed or harmed in some way?
Christians would say, "I disagree with you you should be saved." a bit nicer at least.
Well I disagree with all of you and say,
God is the only thing you have ever touched, smelled, tasted, felt, heard, or interacted with. (insert children giggling here) When you stop giggling actually try to understand.
The only thing that exists is God.
This is the definition as put forth by the ORIGINAL Authors as CLEARLY indicated in the quotes you refuse to read.
What I write here is for those that can read without prejudice, and shouting imaginary crazy voices in their heads, as though those voices in some way sound like me.
imagine I am sane and well educated and own 14 houses and 37 businesses and more cars than i can count and i didn't get it by being rude to people. i am trying to help you know what the vast majority of people do not know. Christians, Catholoics, Atheists, Mormons, Satan worshippers, most everyone has it wrong.
You are correct in noticing my views are not the common views of any particular religion. But I am far from alone in my knowledge of God.
I was a hardcore Atheist before I figured this stuff out.
Hardcore. (*deleted under advise of lawyer*)
Then I had the best laugh i ever had and it still continues to this day.
God is extremely real. I know. Not a guess.
Sure 100% and can back it up with mountains of documents and birds and trees and bumble bees.
I could go on here about the many benefits of knowing vs believing but if you don't get it after reading everything in this thread then maybe Atheism is right for you
and now to save some time i will translate this to the common atheist comprehension level so far utilized in this thread:
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Hostile.