So I ventured into some white nationalist forums (that is equivalent to say fascist, neo-nazi, supremacist, aryan...) and I discovered some expected and unexpected things. I like digging into my my opponent's mind to figure out why they are like that.
WN will be used as an abbreviation for white nationalists
- WN rationalize their behaviour really well, and I mean really well, they are not particularly aggressive and hateful as I hoped, instead they constantly push out "studies, "facts" and "rational arguments" to justify their ideology, and they see WN and supremacy as a legitimate form of life. They are convinced to be right. Some of the following are reasons they use to justify it
- They constantly talk about chromosomes, genetics, ancestors and seem to have a vast knowledge on races, by being able to distinguish someone's potential jewish or arab or black genes by simply looking at the nose, or mouth, etc. They talk about this or that gene that ancestors had and was passed trough generations
- They believe Jews control the media and politics, and have an agenda to destroy white people with the argument of multiculturalism. They are a kind of [subtle] anti-semitism cult
- They deny or minimize the Holocaust constantly and point out "books" or "facts" to justify it. They also think Hitler's true person was hidden by the Jewish cults to control everything
- They think interracial marriage is a scam by corrupt Jewish and liberal media to erase whites, they constantly preach on how white women are pretty and how black men always want to marry white women and "steal them". They also think people who engage in interracial marriage are traitors to their cultures
- They think diversity and multiculturalism are evil and tools to destroy the white race in European and American countries, and use the number of immigrants as proof of that
- Speaking of immigrants, they think immigrants are the cause of all evil
- Some of them are obsessed with race and being white, to the point they'll make a genetic test to figure out if they have 2% jewish or arab or black blood. They also post pictures of people and rant if those people are really white or not, and there's disagreements between members (i.e. "That is not white, she has a jewish nose"; "that guy has a skin tone that resembles indians slightly, he must be at least 5% indian and is not white"). Many of them debate how white you must be to be considered white, most say 85% is ok but others think anything less than 95% white genes is not white
- They are largely homophobic, transphobic, anti-choice and anti-drugs, probably sexist meaning they support gender roles. They are also anti-Islam but usually Pro-Christianity because they love everything that can be considered "tradition"
- They declare themselves racial but not racist, which means they want to preserve their race and be proud of it without being criticized (The same way black people are not, for example) and they believe all people from are races are racial and should be able to abide by this principle. They constantly complain about racial double standards being evidence for that
- Most don't support racial genocide but rather sending everyone who isn't white back to Africa or south america and letting every race make their nation - White nations, black nations, indian nations. They support racial exclusive nations for every people and respect that as long as mixing doesn't exist
- They think being 1/16 Jewish is enough to consider someone evil
- They are not that anti-atheist, in fact some of them are atheists and don't care about religion
- They [obviously] love their nation above everything else and think the liberal media is to blame for the lack of nationalist parties and measures. In fact they believe nationalism is the biological natural state of politics if it wasn't for outside influence.
- They take great pride into being friends with people of other nations that are WN as well, for example WN from America respect WN from Europe and WN from Europe respect other WN from other European countries
- They think all stereotypes about other people that are not white are true and constantly post materials supposedly proving criminal acts from other races against whites and how white people are oppressed
Damn this is just a small fraction of ideas. These people are crazy, I entered there thinking I was white (I've always been) and now I'm convinced I'm probably half-jew or half-arab. Just thinking some retards once invited me to join the party because I was having an anti-Islam speech.
WN will be used as an abbreviation for white nationalists
- WN rationalize their behaviour really well, and I mean really well, they are not particularly aggressive and hateful as I hoped, instead they constantly push out "studies, "facts" and "rational arguments" to justify their ideology, and they see WN and supremacy as a legitimate form of life. They are convinced to be right. Some of the following are reasons they use to justify it
- They constantly talk about chromosomes, genetics, ancestors and seem to have a vast knowledge on races, by being able to distinguish someone's potential jewish or arab or black genes by simply looking at the nose, or mouth, etc. They talk about this or that gene that ancestors had and was passed trough generations
- They believe Jews control the media and politics, and have an agenda to destroy white people with the argument of multiculturalism. They are a kind of [subtle] anti-semitism cult
- They deny or minimize the Holocaust constantly and point out "books" or "facts" to justify it. They also think Hitler's true person was hidden by the Jewish cults to control everything
- They think interracial marriage is a scam by corrupt Jewish and liberal media to erase whites, they constantly preach on how white women are pretty and how black men always want to marry white women and "steal them". They also think people who engage in interracial marriage are traitors to their cultures
- They think diversity and multiculturalism are evil and tools to destroy the white race in European and American countries, and use the number of immigrants as proof of that
- Speaking of immigrants, they think immigrants are the cause of all evil
- Some of them are obsessed with race and being white, to the point they'll make a genetic test to figure out if they have 2% jewish or arab or black blood. They also post pictures of people and rant if those people are really white or not, and there's disagreements between members (i.e. "That is not white, she has a jewish nose"; "that guy has a skin tone that resembles indians slightly, he must be at least 5% indian and is not white"). Many of them debate how white you must be to be considered white, most say 85% is ok but others think anything less than 95% white genes is not white
- They are largely homophobic, transphobic, anti-choice and anti-drugs, probably sexist meaning they support gender roles. They are also anti-Islam but usually Pro-Christianity because they love everything that can be considered "tradition"
- They declare themselves racial but not racist, which means they want to preserve their race and be proud of it without being criticized (The same way black people are not, for example) and they believe all people from are races are racial and should be able to abide by this principle. They constantly complain about racial double standards being evidence for that
- Most don't support racial genocide but rather sending everyone who isn't white back to Africa or south america and letting every race make their nation - White nations, black nations, indian nations. They support racial exclusive nations for every people and respect that as long as mixing doesn't exist
- They think being 1/16 Jewish is enough to consider someone evil
- They are not that anti-atheist, in fact some of them are atheists and don't care about religion
- They [obviously] love their nation above everything else and think the liberal media is to blame for the lack of nationalist parties and measures. In fact they believe nationalism is the biological natural state of politics if it wasn't for outside influence.
- They take great pride into being friends with people of other nations that are WN as well, for example WN from America respect WN from Europe and WN from Europe respect other WN from other European countries
- They think all stereotypes about other people that are not white are true and constantly post materials supposedly proving criminal acts from other races against whites and how white people are oppressed
Damn this is just a small fraction of ideas. These people are crazy, I entered there thinking I was white (I've always been) and now I'm convinced I'm probably half-jew or half-arab. Just thinking some retards once invited me to join the party because I was having an anti-Islam speech.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you